The newest event for Fortnite is just around the corner and it’s unlike anything that’s been in the game so far. Located in Pleasant Park, players can visit a stage there and see real-life performer Marshmello play a set for them. This appears to be another event that will only happen once, so make sure not to miss it.
The Marshmello concert will begin today at 11 AM PT/ 2PM PT at the stage in Pleasant Park. It’s unclear if Epic Games will disable fighting in the concert area to ensure players aren’t immediately killed by other users. You can always view with a squad if you are worried about people being obnoxious during the concert.
To celebrate this event, Epic Games has introduced some new cosmetic items for players to obtain. Broken up across three challenges, users will need to complete them all if they want to earn a new Fortnite icon. The first challenges require you to visit the concert venue, so when you jump from the bus just land at Pleasant Park near the stage.
After you land at the stage, turn and head towards the gas station by the house with the basement. On the wall near a blue car, you should see a poster of Marshmello. Grab this and you’ll complete the second challenge. Visiting the stage will also give you the “Keep it Mello” emote which is required to complete the final set of challenges.
Now all you have to do is visit the truck south of Paradise Palms, the ice cream parlor adjacent from the racetrack, and the frozen lake. Once you arrive at these locations, perform the Keep it Mello emote there. After all three have been visited, you will complete the final challenge and unlock all the new gear.