There are a lot of weapons in Destiny 2, but one of the most coveted is the Threat Level shotgun. Tied specifically to the Scourge of the Past raid, this gun is considered by many to be a successor to the infamous Ikelos_SG_v1.0.1. Its fast fire rate allows players to quickly mow down any targets in front of them.
Sadly, getting this gun is going to take some skill and quite a bit of luck. The Threat Level drops from the first encounter in the Scourge of the Past raid. This means you will have a maximum of three chances a week to get it as long as you complete the first part of the raid. You can obtain either a normal version of the gun or a curated roll of the Threat Level. Ideally, you will want to get the perk Trench Barrel when it drops, since this lets you deal a ton of damage.
Remember, the Threat Level is a Kinetic weapon so you’ll want to make sure you have an Energy primary. Keep in mind this gun isn’t necessary for any of the raids or encounters, but it does make some of the fights easier. You can output a ton of damage with the Threat Level and it serves as a nice alternative if you’re getting sick of the Ikelos or another shotgun.
Additionally, you also need this weapon if you want the Blacksmith seal. There’s a triumph that requires the player to get 500 kills with the Threat Level in the Bergusia Forge. Keep in mind the last forge hasn’t gone live at the time of writing this, but the gun is required if you want this new Seal.