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Sea of Thieves Update Fixes Various Bugs, Ends Gilded Voyages


The holidays are over which means we’re back into the swing of things with updates in Sea of Thieves.

Today we saw a small patch rolled out that fixed numerous bugs but didn’t change anything in the game such as adding things to do or shaking up the “double gun” meta.

The biggest change is you will no longer be able to pick up your Gilded Voyage from Duke if you haven’t done so already. The Gilded Voyage is a one-time quest that lasted through December which allowed players to bring in a huge haul of loot in return for a large gain in money and reputation. If you have the voyage already picked up but not actually used yet then you have nothing to worry about.

The patch was roughly discussed in the new developer update, which you can watch above.

Looking deeper into 2019 we can look forward to the brand new PvP mode called Arena coming soon. This will surely be a way for the dedicated PvPers to lick their chops are they battle it out with other players. We’ll share more details about this mode as it becomes available.

Here are the patch notes for today’s 1.42 update in Sea of Thieves:

  • Loading Times – Further improvements to loading times should be noticeable with the release of 1.4.2.
  • Scalable Text Chat – Text chat can now be scaled via the settings menu.

Fixed Issues

  • Cannon radial no longer sticks on a player’s screen if they are knocked away from a cannon.
  • The lowest LOD texture on the galleon ladder has been updated.
  • Players on the Ferry of the Damned will now be credited for Krakens killed by their crew.
  • Players no longer get teleported to the middle of the map while on a Rowboat during server migration.
  • Players should no longer intermittently fall off ship ladders when reaching the top.
  • Rewards in Kraken Watchtower Vault have been rearranged so they can all be picked up.
  • Migrating with an in-progress ‘X marks the spot’ map no longer puts treasure back in the dig spots.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox One: 877MB
Xbox One X: 877MB
Windows 10: 965MB

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