Alright Guardian, it’s time to put your baking skills to the test. Destiny 2’s newest event – The Dawning – is here and the main gimmick revolves around making food for the different NPCs. One of the items you will be asked to create is the Javelin Mooncake, which is given to Ana Bray.
In order to make Javelin Mooncakes, you will need 1 part Chitin Powder, 1 part Sharp Flavor, and 15 Essence of Dawning. To get Chitin Powder, all you have to do is kill Hive enemies and it will eventually drop. Because it doesn’t matter what activity you play, we recommend either going to Titan or just killing Hive during Escalation Protocol. This is very easy to farm and you shouldn’t have any trouble acquiring it.
Sharp Flavor is only obtainable via sword kills. It does not matter what type of enemy, so consider using this while farming Hive to have a chance at both ingredients. This is pretty simple and if you don’t have a sword just purchase one from your Collection. The rarity or type of sword won’t matter for this crafting material.
Essence of Dawning is given for finishing bounties, challenges, and a variety of activities. You should already have a ton of this from just completing your Weekly Challenges. However, if you are in dire need consider farming Public Events or the Mayhem Crucible mode. Both provide a decent amount of Essence of the Dawning – especially Mayhem.
After all of the ingredients are obtained, just put them into your portable oven to make a Javelin Mooncake. Now all you have to do is give it to Ana and she will give you a small reward for all your hard work.