Destiny 2’s newest event – The Dawning – has players baking goodies for all the different vendors in the solar system. In order to do this, users will need to acquire ingredients through a variety of different methods – all of which involve killing things. Who knew baking was so dangerous?
The most difficult ingredient to obtain is Flash of Inspiration, which is only dropped by generating Orbs of Light. If you want to get this ingredient then you’ll need to make a lot of Orbs either through Masterwork weapons or your Supers. We’ve had the most luck with the latter, but this is still a pretty rare crafting material.
To farm Flash of Inspiration we strongly suggest just doing Blind Well runs since you can easily chain Supers. Go for sub-classes that can take out multiple foes at once such as Blade Barrage, Nova Warp, Stormtrance, or Fists of Havoc. Your goal is to generate as many Orbs as possible so this ingredient will appear for you.
There’s no guaranteed amount of orbs that will get you this material. In our experience this is the rarest ingredient in The Dawning, so don’t expect to see a lot of them. Because of that, we recommend not wasting this ingredient and only using it on recipes you know it’s in. With some luck and patience, you should get the Flash of Inspiration.