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Star Wars Battlefront 2 General Kenobi Skin Coming Tomorrow


While December isn’t giving Star Wars Battlefront 2 players a new hero or map it is still offering something worthwhile.

Tomorrow will give players a new Obi-Wan Kenobi skin known as General Kenobi which is based around his animated The Clone Wars design, according to today’s Community Transmission.

This skin will cost players 40,000 credits or 1,000 crystals so it will be a pretty expensive outfit if you do have your eyes on it.

Obi-Wan is also experiencing numerous fixes with this update, along with some of the other heroes. You can read the Obi-Wan changes below.

  • Fixed an issue where a fully charged “All-Out Push” ability would not deal damage to enemies that are in the 2nd half of the ability zone
  • Fixed an issue where the UI lines of the “All-Out Push” ability would not be completely visible if the player doesn’t charge up the ability
  • Fixed an issue where players could not cancel the “Defensive Rush” ability by dodging
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t see the Lightsaber ignite animation while being frozen by Kylo Ren
  • Prevented Lightsaber damage for Obi-Wan if he is attacked by Lightsabers during the “Defensive Rush” ability
  • Fixed an issue where Emperor Palpatine’s main attack would show on Obi-Wan Kenobi’s body, instead of his Lightsaber, when deflecting
  • Fixed an issue where Obi-Wan’s “Your Move” and “Absolutes” emotes would play swapped in-game
  • Moved Obi-Wan’s “All-Out Push” ability to the left ability slot and “Defensive Rush” to the right one, in order to address player feedback and improve consistency

Looking forward to 2019 it appears the developers don’t have any intention to stop supporting Star Wars Battlefront 2. Trooper customization is on the way and the community transmission shows a gif of what this will look like. More details are on the way but we now have confirmation DICE is working on it.

Another major change that is being looked at is lightsaber combat. This has also been a talking point with the game as the lightsaber combat currently leaves a lot to be desired. Here’s what the transmission has to say about the combat.

This has been a topic that is frequently brought up and quite rightfully so. It would be incredibly difficult to talk Star Wars without mentioning one of the most iconic aspects of the series.

Recently we began prototyping some new changes to the lightsaber combat and we’re hoping to release these early in 2019.

The biggest change you will notice with this is how attacking heroes will no longer stagger backwards upon hitting a defending hero. We’ve also made the change that once a hero has run out of stamina, they will not be able to attack.

These changes begin to roll out within the December Update, where we will be replacing the stamina reticule with a brand-new user interface element which will offer better insight into how much stamina you have remaining.

Alongside this user interface change, and also coming in the December Update is a new UI element that displays your ability to dodge.

From our playtests that has helped increase the flow of combat, making it a lot more fluid, tactical and most importantly, enjoyable. We can’t wait for you to go hands on with it when it releases in early 2019.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is out now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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