After a brief period on the PTR, both the Legion and Jeff Johanson are now available in Dead by Daylight.
These two characters are available as part of the Chapter 10 DLC titled Darkness Among Us. This DLC brings the new survivor, killer and a new map. The map will be available to everyone but the killer and survivor will only be available to those who either purchase the DLC or use their shards.
Outside of the new content, there was a whole new list of changes that came to the game. Many bug fixes came with the new patch which you can read about in full below.
You might be interested to know Dead by Daylight will be receiving dedicated servers next year as part of an announcement during The Game Awards. We still have several months until they are set to arrive into the game but we do know they are on the way.
Here are the patch notes for Chapter 10: Darkness Among Us:
- Feature – Added a new status effect for Survivors: Deep Wound. Survivors afflicted with the Deep Wound status effect need to mend before being able to heal themselves, or be healed by others. Survivors can mend each other.
- Feature – Added the theme, map and tile information in the Pause menu. This feature is to better help our players and the Dev team when reporting map specific issues. Please be sure to include that information when reporting any map issues.
- Feature – Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.20, from 4.13).
- Feature – Map Scheduler: Added a server configuration to allow control of map frequency during Online Ranked matches. This will allow us to add or remove emphasis on certain maps or themes during specific periods. Map selection offerings will still normally take precedence over these.
- Feature – Opening the Store from the offline lobbies will redirect the user to the currently selected character’s catalog page.
- Added a progression bar and the name of the player Mending you, this should be the same as when being healed by another Survivor.
- Added the Aftercare perk icon in the HUD when affected by it from another player.
- Updated layout for the character information screen. Killer information screens now show basic stats (Max Base Speed, Base Terror Radius, and Height).
- Borrowed Time: Unhooked Survivors are now affected by the Deep Wound Status effect. Changed the Bleedout timer from 15/20/25 seconds to 10/15/20 seconds. VFX have been updated. Please see the dev message: “Deep Wound” for more details.
- Diversion: Scratch marks will now appear at the location of the loud noise from the pebble.
- After hitting a Survivor who is affected by the Deep Wound status effect, the Killer no longer plays the blade wipe animation, and transitions directly into the fatigue state.
- Hiding inside of lockers now blocks the auras of Survivors while they are inside.
- Increased the brightness of auras.
- Made it possible for Survivors to cancel being healed by walking away. Prior to this change, survivors needed to run in order to cancel being healed.
- Mending progress is reset if there was partial progress and the player is hit with a Frenzy attack again.
- Reduced the Legion’s Frenzy vault distance.
- Reverted fast window vault interrupts.
- Snap Out Of It is no longer affected by the A Nurse’s Calling perk. Actions such as Snap Out Of It and Mending are not healing actions, thus perks should not affect them.
- Survivors who activate a map or key item while crouched now stay crouched.
- The Legion’s terror radius while in Frenzy increases from 24 meters to 32 meters.
- The bleedout timer from Deep Wound will continue while not in a chase. If the timer runs out during the Mend action, The Survivor will not go into dying state provided they continue the Mend action.
- When in a locker once the Bleedout timer has ended, Survivors will automatically exit the locker.
- Major localization and translation improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors hooked by the Hag to be a bit offset from the hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to flip into the dead position when mori’d by the Shape with either Judith’s Tombstone or Tombstone Piece add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused an audio discrepancy between two game client who are facing in opposite directions (towards and away) from the Hillbilly’s chainsaw.
- Fixed an issue that caused blood VFX from the environment to appear brighter when the Spirit uses her power.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s knife to become misaligned when interrupting a Survivor vaulting towards them.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killers red stain to be visible on their own character’s model.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to clip into Survivors during her mori kill.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to go into the fatigued state when blink interrupting a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit’s Husk to start a fresh idle animation instead of using the players current animation during her Phase Walk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit’s head to disappear towards the end of the camera pan intro sequence at the start of a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor stepped in trap loud noise bubble to appear when the Trapper was holding a bear trap near any other notification bubble.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to move in front of the camera when the Spirit attacks while carrying a Survivor on her shoulder.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blood from Survivors to be visible while the Spirit charged her power.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to be incorrectly placed from Survivor perspective when being mori’d by the Shape with either Judith’s Tombstone or Tombstone Piece add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the held items to briefly appear out of the Killers’ hand when interrupting a Survivor vaulting towards them.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong LOD to sometimes load on The Spirit’s customization.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for the Trapper to pick up Survivors from a bear trap when it was placed too close to a totem.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to blind a Killer with a flashlight if there was a downed Survivor in front of them.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to walk on a large rock in the Autohaven Wrecker’s maps.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to interrupt a chest search across from a fence in Lampkin Lane.
- Fixed an issue that caused a small pile of logs to spawn in between two hedges in Lampkin Lane.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a fence wall and a rock in The Pale Rose map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap for Killers when two trees spawned too close together in the Mother’s Dwelling map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible chest in the Grim Pantry map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a stuck spot in the Grim Pantry map between a log and a hill.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to open or escape through the hatch when spawned on a specific hill in the Mother’s Dwelling map.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to repair a generator from one of the shorts sides next to the van in the street in Lampkin Lane.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to spam the Diversion perk while repairing a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused Adrenaline to trigger during the pick-up and interrupt animations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the attack cooldown to be applied on Hex: No One Escapes Death, after it was removed in patch 2.3.0.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bleedout timer from Borrowed Time perk to cancel completely when stepping in a bear trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hooks destroyed by a sacrifice not to respawn with the Hangman’s Trick perk.
- Disabled all VR related plugins.
- Fixed an issue that caused Distortion tokens to be consumed while being interrupted and carried by a Killer with the Deerstalker perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused Kate to scream too loud when downed, hooked, gassed and shocked.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to overlap on one another in the match result screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to snap back underneath the hook when unhooking themselves.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a rock and a snow mound in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a tree and a fence wall in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inconsistency in the way that perks, powers and add-ons dynamically modify the Terror Radius.
- Fixed an issue that caused clients to see themselves as invisible during interactions.
- Fixed an issue that caused healing progress not to reset when being interrupted and hooked.
- Fixed an issue that caused objects to spawn in front of driveways in Lampkin Lane.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be invisible to others until moving if spawned in the Shack.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s stomach to jiggle too much in the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Exhaustion Status Effect not to be removed when hooked.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer Prestige items to be awarded in the wrong order.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion to be unable to use their power when a Survivor disconnected during the mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion’s animation to stay in Frenzy when picking up a Survivor while in Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion’s camera to become offset when a Survivor disconnected during the mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion’s camera to become offset when they interrupted the mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mangled status effect to stack when applied from different sources (add-ons, perks).
- Fixed an issue that caused the Object of Obsession perk not to work when the character body was not facing a non-host Killer in a Kill Your Friends match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Rite of the Spirit Daily Ritual to unlock without meeting the requirements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spectator camera to remain in spectate when the last player would leave the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the location notification to end abruptly with the Iron Maiden perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused timed Status Effect icons not to disappear from the HUD when they expired,
- Fixed an issue that could cause an inaccessible hook in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause items to disappear when swapping items in a chest.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Legion’s right hand to disappear during their idle animation.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the damage protection from getting unhooked to either not trigger, or be applied long after the player has regained control of their character.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to pick up Survivors in a corner in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible for a Survivor to obtain an Iridescent Unbroken Emblem in a game where they were pulled out of a bear trap and hooked.
- Misc cosmetic clipping & camera adjustments and improvements.
- Changed the “Survivors” tab in the pause menu to “Match Details”.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer add-ons not to appear in the tally screen in a Kill Your Friends match with a non-host Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the prices to be missing from customization tooltips that were only purchasable with Auric Cells.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tooltips from Page 1 to carry over to Page 2 of the Map Select in Match Management in Kill Your Friends.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to open profiles or read perk, add-ons, items or offering descriptions on the match result screen after spectating.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to scroll through the DLC confirmation texts with the controller sticks.
- Misc UI improvements.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to unlock the “Where Did They Go!?” achievement as a Survivor and caused the Killer to unlock it instead.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to unlock the “Risk It All” achievement with event items.