Developer Pheonix Labs’ Dauntless is heading to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and mobile. Revealed during The Game Awards, Dauntless will also be receiving a number of in-game changes including a major content update. Dubbed Frostfall, this will focus on reshaping the Shattered Isle and is available to players on December 6.
Speaking of, users can also expect a new Behemoth dubbed Valomyr to arrive and challenge players. Pheonix Labs is aiming for Xbox One and PS4 users to get their hands on Dauntless sometime in April 2019. Nintendo Switch and mobile users will need to wait until later in 2019. Like other major multiplayer titles, Pheonix Labs is aiming to add cross-play across all systems for a shared experience they are calling “One Dauntless.”
There’s no word on when this feature will be added, so don’t expect to play with your friends anytime soon. Additionally, Dauntless will now have a “Hunt Pass” available for purchase at $10.00. Acting like a Battle Pass for Dauntless, those who purchase this item will have access to exclusive items including emotes, items, and cosmetics. If you don’t own the pass you’ll be unable to obtain these items.
Dauntless arrives on Xbox One and PS4 sometime in April 2019.