The newest DLC content for Destiny 2 is right around the corner, but you can actually grab some of the gear early. Discovered soon after the Season of the Forge, players can venture to various destinations and farm very specific bosses that spawn. While the new weapons aren’t a guaranteed drop, these are the only known foes that can give you a Black Armory weapon early.
The enemies you are looking for are called Saboteurs and can be found in the following areas:
- Gulch – EDZ
- Outskirts – EDZ
- Hallows – Nessus
- Artifact’s Edge – Nessus
These foes will randomly spawn every 5 to 7 minutes, so if you don’t see one just hang around for a little until one spawns. Once the enemy spawns, just kill it and you’ll have a chance that the boss drops a Legendary Black Armory engram. There are several different weapons you can get including a Pulse Rifle, Shotgun, and Hand Cannon.
All of the bosses are fairly easy to kill, especially since there are so many people farming these weapons right now. Just keep at it and eventually you should get one of the new weapons from Black Armory. Also, don’t worry about the cages that are spawned, you cannot currently get any loot from them. We suspect they will be filled once Black Armory officially releases on December 4.