Developer Bungie has revealed three new guns for players to chase next season in Destiny 2. Called “Pinnacle Weapons” these firearms are designed to be the best in their class and will only be rewarded to the most dedicated players. The steps to get them are meant to be long and take a lot of commitment. Make sure you really want these weapons before you begin grinding.
The Crucible Pinnacle Weapon is a Grenade Launcher called “The Mountaintop.” Designated in that “Lightweight” archetype, the unique perk on this weapon is “Mico-Missle.” Unlike other grenades which arch and bounce off surfaces, The Mountaintop fires a single projectile in a straight line. It will also explode upon impact with any surface if you don’t have the Sticky Grenades perk selected.
Getting this weapon is not easy, so buckle in because there’s a lot you have to do. Here’s how to get The Mountaintop in Destiny 2:
1) Reach Glory Rank “Brave”

Your first step requires you to reach the Glory Rank “Brave.” Tied exclusively to the Competitive playlist, users will have to obtain 200 points to his this rank. This is quite easy, especially for those who went for the Luna’s Howl last season. Remember, you will lose points everytime you earn a loss, so make sure to try your hardest.
As always, we recommend playing Competitive with a full group of four. Communication is key and it can be an absolute nightmare to play with random players. Especially since people are prone to leaving the game if they are losing.
(Steps 2-4 can be completed simultaneously and in any Crucible mode.)
2) Earn Grenade Launcher Final Blows

The next step requires you to earn a lot of grenade launcher final blows. You can complete this step in either Competitive or Non-Competitive, however, you will earn more progress if you play in the former. Your goal is to earn 750 total points, with Competitive Grenade Launcher kills earning you 10 points and Non-Competitive Grenade Launcher kills giving you 3 points.
Whether you play Competitive or not is your choice, but we recommend just taking the extra time and completing in Quickplay. You will be grinding a lot of Competitive at the end of this step and Heavy ammo is typically more prevalent in Non-Competitive.
Some Grenade Launchers we recommend are:
- Swarm of the Raven
- Through Fire and Flood
- Play of the Game
- Terran Wind
- Fighting Lion
- The Colony
Alternatively, you could run the Fighting Lion since it uses Special Ammo. This weapon requires a bit more skill to run, but it can be quite dangerous in the right hands. If you really want to speed this part up, just run the Fighting Lion and a Power weapon Grenade Launcher.
3) Rapidly Defeat 2 or More Opponents

For this part of the quest, you’ll need to earn 200 total points via rapidly killing 2 or more enemies in Crucible. Doing this in the Competitive playlist will reward you with 5 points, while the Non-Competitive playlist only gives you 2. It does not matter what weapon you use or if this is done with an ability.
Because of this, we actually recommend completing this step in the Non-Competitive playlist. 6vs6 offers far more chances at enemies grouping up than any Competitive mode. It will take a bit of time to achieve your goal, but keep at it and you should check this box off with relative ease.
4) Earn Calculated Trajectory Medals

In order to earn the Calculated Trajectory medal, you have to kill three opponents with a Grenade Launcher in a single life. Like the past two steps, you’ll need to earn 100 Points to finish this part of the quest. Earning the medal in Competitive will give you 4 points, while Non-Competitive awards you 1 point.
This step is going to take a lot of time, especially if you’re not great with the Grenade Launcher. Unless you’re very confident in your abilities, consider biting the bullet and doing this in Non-Competitive playlists. More players mean an easier time getting three kills without dying. Just be patient and only engage targets when you can secure the kill. It’s better to be passive when going for this medal, especially if you’re only using a Power Grenade Launcher.
5) Reach Glory Rank “Fabled”

You really didn’t think you wouldn’t have to grind in Competitive for this weapon, did you? The last step of this quest requires you to reach the Fabled rank in Competitive. This means you have to obtain a minimum of 2,100 points in order to hit Fabled. Sadly, there’s no big secret or special technique that makes this go faster.
We do strongly recommend playing in a full squad, since going solo can be an absolute nightmare. Also, if you start going on a losing streak just step away and do something else for a little. Getting upset will only result in more lost games, so know it’s okay to do something else. You have an entire season to reach Fabled. Take it one match at a time and eventually, you will reach this rank.
Once you have achieved the Fabled rank, you can return to Shaxx for The Mountaintop grenade launcher!