The world of Fallout 76 can be brutal and unforgiving. With all of your creature comforts stripped away, it’s up to the player to build a better life. Thankfully, with a bit of scavenging and a can-do attitude, you can restore order back to the wasteland. Copper is one of the essential crafting materials in anything regarding technology and most automated defenses. This makes it one of the most vital resources in the game and one you’ll need a lot of.
The first and most common place you’ll find copper is in dismantled junk. There’s a lot of trash you’ll come across in Fallout 76 and some of it contains this valuable material. Here is a complete list of every junk item that contains copper:
- Acetone Canister
- Beaker Stand
- Bird Decoration
- Blue Table Lamp
- Bone Cutter
- Brass Miner’s Lamp
- Broken Lamp
- Broken Light Bulb
- Bunsen Burner
- Chinese Ornamental Vase
- Cooking Pot
- Dehydrated Beef Stock
- Diced Vegetable Mix
- Fuse
- High-Powered Magnet
- Hot Plate
- Light Bulb
- Lighthouse Souvenir
- Magnifying Glass
- Meat-flavored Soy Chunks
- Orange Canister
- Ornamental Vase
- Power Relay Coil
- Pre-War Lamp
- Radio Jammer
- Rusty Cannister
- Sensor Module
- Shadeless Lamp
- Shadeless Table Lamp
- Stew Pot
- Telephone
- Fuse
- Lamp
- Trumpet
- Vacuum Tube
- Yellow Canister
- Yellow Table Lamp
Out of these items, you will frequently come across lamps and hot plates during your travels. Unless you plan to make trips directly back to your camp, then we don’t recommend grabbing a ton of lamps. These can quickly fill up your inventory space, so make sure to be aware of this. Remember, you can always dismantle these objects for the raw materials at workbenches.
Another way to obtain copper is simply by completing quests or finding it on bodies. This is not a consistent method, but if you’re not focusing on the building then it’s a decent way to just build up a small stash of copper. However, the best method is simply farming hot plates or lamps in residential areas such as Grafton, Charleston, and the town around the Mothman Museum.