There are a ton of places to go and things to see in Fallout 76. While exploring the wilds of West Virginia can be relaxing, it’s important to stay vigilant because almost everything wants to eat you. There are a lot of different enemies in Fallout 76, many of which have different variants and levels.
Keep in mind, not every animal has alternate forms so they may just boast different levels. Additionally, not every creature is hostile in the world of Fallout 76 and some – like the Scorchbeast – will only attack when provoked in most cases. However, the majority of the creatures below will be hostile to anyone who gets close, so tread carefully.
Here’s a complete list of every monster, their level, and different variants: in Fallot 76:
- Anglers (Level 15)
- Glowing Angler (Level 25)
- Albino Angler (Level 37)
- Venomous Angler (Level 51)
- Fog Crawler (Level 27)
- Glowing Fog Crawler (Level 39)
- Skulking Fog Crawler (Level 51)
- Diseased Fog Crawler (Level 63)
- Enraged Fog Crawler (Level 75)
- Giant Hermit Crab (Level 21)
- Alpha Hermit Crab (Level 31)
- Glowing Hermit Crab (Level 41)
- Savage Hermit Crab (Level 51)
- Albino Hermit Crab (Level 61)
- Softshell Mirelurk (Level 5)
- Mirelurk (Level 12)
- Mirelurk Razorclaw (Level 18)
- Mirelurk Killclaw (Level 26)
- Glowing Mirelurk (Level 34)
- Bloodrage Mirelurk (Level 42)
- Mirelurk Hunter (Level 24)
- Glowing Mirelurk Hunter (Level 34)
- Albino Mirelurk Hunter (Level 46)
- Mirelurk King (Level 30)
- Mirelurk Deep King (Level 40)
- Glowing Mirelurk (Level 50)
- Mirelurk Queen (Level 20/35/50)
- Mirelurk Spawn (Level 1)
- Rad Toad (Level 5)
- Parasitic Rad Toad (Level 18)
- Glowing Rad Toad (Level 28)
- Albino Rad Toad (Level 40)
- Scorched Rad Toad (Level 50)
- Bee Swarm (Level 6/16/26/36/46)
- Bloatflies (Level 1)
- Black Bloatflies (Level 17)
- Glowing Bloatflies (Level 27)
- Bloodbug Hatchling (Level 2)
- Bloodbug (Level 10)
- Red Widow Bloodbug (26)
- Glowing Bloodbug (Level 34)
- Vampiric Bloodbug (Level 42)
- Cave Crickets (Level 30)
- Cave Cricket Hunter (Level 38)
- Cave Cricket Piercer (Level 46)
- Glowing Cave Cricket (Level 60)
- Honey Beasts (Level 16)
- Putrified Honey Beast (Level 26)
- Raging Honey Beast (Level 36)
- Glowing Honey Beast (Level 46)
- Ultracite Honey Beast (Level 56)
- Small Forger Ant (Level 1)
- Small Soldier Ant (Level 4)
- Small Glowing Ant (Level 8)
- Forager Ant (Level 12)
- Soldier Ant (Level 16)
- Glowing Ant (Level 20)
- Overgrown Forager Ant (Level 24)
- Overgrown Soldier Ant (Level 28)
- Overgrown Glowing Ant (Level 32)
- Rad Roach (Level 1)
- Glowing Rad Roach (Level 5)
- RadRoach (Level 10)
- Radscorpian (Level 14)
- Radscorpian Hunter (Level 22)
- Glowing Radscorpian (Level 30)
- Albino Radscorpian (Level 38)
- Radscorpian Stalker (Level 46)
- Radscorpian Predator (Level 54)
- Deathskull Radscorpian (Level 64)
- Stingwing (Level 10)
- Stingwing Darter (Level 18)
- Stingwing Skimmer (Level 30)
- Glowing Stingwing (Level 42)
- Stingwing Chaser (Level 54)
- Tick (Level 1)
- Foul Tick (Level 8)
- Wretched Tick (Level 16)
- Vile Tick (Level 26)
- Scorched Tick (Level 35)
- Behemoth (Level 50)
- Glowing Behemoth (Level 65)
- Epic Behemoth (Level 80)
- Ancient Behemoth (Level 95)
- Feral Ghoul (Level 3)
- Feral Ghoul Roamer (Level 9)
- Feral Ghoul Stalker (Level 15)
- Withered Feral Ghoul (Level 32)
- Gangrenous Feral Ghoul (Level 42)
- Rotting Feral Ghoul (Level 52)
- Charred Feral Ghoul (Level 62)
- Glowing Ones (Level 22)
- Putrid Glowing One (Level 40)
- Bloated Glowing One (Level 58)
- Famished Mole Miner (Level 2)
- Tired Mole Miner (Level 4)
- Mole Miner Laborer (Level 8)
- Mole Miner (Level 14)
- Angry Mole Miner (Level 22)
- Mole Miner Supervisor (Level 30)
- Furious Mole Miner Battler (Level 40)
- Super Mutant (Level 5/10)
- Super Mutant Skirmisher (Level 16)
- Super Mutant Brute (Level 22)
- Super Mutant Enforcer (Level 28)
- Super Mutant Butcher (Level 35)
- Super Mutant Master (Level 42)
- Super Mutant Overlord (Level 48)
- Super Mutant Primus (Level 59)
- Super Mutant Warlord (Level 68)
- Mega Sloth (Level 30)
- Ponderous Mega Sloth (Level 40)
- Scorched Mega Sloth (Level 50)
- Mole Rat (Level 1)
- Rapid Mole Rat (Level 7)
- Glowing Mole Rat (Level 14)
- Mole Rat Brood Mother (Level 21)
- Wild Mongrel (Level 3)
- Vicious Mongrel (Level 12)
- Feral Mongrel (Level 20)
- Albino Mongrel (Level 30)
- Rapid Mongrel (Level 40)
- Glowing Mongrel (Level 50)
- Alpha Glowing Mongrel (Level 60)
- Mutant Hound (Level 8)
- Glowing Mutant Hound (Level 28)
- Radstag Yearling (Level 1)
- Radstag Doe (Level 4)
- Radstag (Level 10)
- Erratic Radstag Doe (Level 12)
- Albino Radstag (Level 16)
- Erratic Radstag (Level 21)
- Rapid Radstag (Level 24)
- Devolved Radstag Doe (Level 26)
- Glowing Radstag (Level 32)
- Devolved Radstag (Level 40)
- Radrat Pup (Level 1)
- Mangy Radrat Pup (Level 4)
- Radrat (Level 8)
- Infected Radrat Pup (Level 12)
- Mangy Radrat (Level 16)
- Infected Radrat (Level 20)
- Glowing Plagued Radrat (Level 25)
- Scorchbeast (Level 50/65/80)
- Scorchbeast Queen (Level 95)
- Scorched (Level 1)
- Scorched Wanderer (Level 6)
- Scorched Believer (Level 14)
- Scorched Zealot (Level 23)
- Scorched Warrior (Level 32)
- Scorched Berserker (Level 40)
- Scorched Leader (Level 47)
- Scorched Controller (Level 54)
- Scorched Champion (Level 62)
- Scorched Conqueror (Level 68)
- Vicious Wolf (Level 10)
- Feral Wolf (Level 20)
- Grey Wolf (Level 30)
- Rabid Wolf (Level 40)
- Glowing Wolf (Level 50)
- Stunted Yao Guai (Level 16)
- Yao Guai (Level 26)
- Yao Guai Ghoul (Level 31)
- Shaggy Yao Guai (Level 36)
- Irradiated Yao Guai (Level 46)
- Glowing Yao Guai (Level 46)
- Albino Yao Guai (Level 56)
- Rabid Yao Guai (Level 66)
- Dusky Yao Guai (Level 76)
Non-Hostile Animals
- Beavers
- Brahmin
- Chickens
- Fireflies
- Foxes
- Frogs
- House Cat
- Opossum
- Owlet
- Rabbit
- Squirrel
- Deathclaw (Level 21)
- Alpha Deathclaw (Level 31)
- Glowing Dathclaw (Level 41)
- Deathclaw Matriarch (Level 51)
- Savage Deathclaw (Level 61)
- Albino Deathclaw (Level 71)
- Chameleon Deathclaw (Level 81)
- Mythic Deathclaw (Level 91)
- Gulper Newt (Level 10)
- Gulper (Level 22)
- Glowing Gulper (Level 34)
- Gulper Devourer (Level 46)
- Assaultron (Level 10/24)
- Assaultron Invader (Level 36)
- Assaultron Dominator (Level 46)
- Cargobots (Level 15/25/35)
- Eyebot (Level 1)
- Liberators MK 0 (Level 5)
- Liberator MK I (Level 10)
- Liberator MK II (Level 18)
- Liberator MK III (Level 30)
- Liberator MK IV (Level 42)
- Liberator MK V (Level 54)
- Mr. Farhand (Level 1)
- Mr. Handy (Level 8)
- Prison Marshal (Level 14)
- Mr. Gutsy (Level 22)
- Lieutenant Gutsy (Level 32)
- Major Gutsy (Level 40)
- Colonel Gutsy (Level 47)
- Protectron (Level 5)
- Protectron Watcher (Level 14)
- Protectron Guardian (Level 26)
- Protectron Defender (Level 36)
- Protectron Sentinel (Level 46)
- Robobrain (Level 30)
- Robobrain Sentry (Level 35)
- RobobrainTactician (Level 40)
- Robobrain War Machine (Level 45)
- Robobrain Devastator (Level 50)
- Sentry Bot (Level 30)
- Siege Breaker Sentry Bot (Level 40)
- Annihilator Sentry Bot (Level 50)
- Annihilator Sentry Bot MK. II (Level 60)
- Vertibots (Level 20/30/40/50)
Special Monsters
- Flatwoods Monster (Level 30)
- Fabled Flatwoods Monster (Level 40)
- Mythical Flatwoods Monster (Level 50)
- Grafton Monster (Level 10)
- Enraged Grafton Monster (Level 30)
- Parasitic Grafton Monster (Level 40)
- Scorched Grafton Monster (Level 50)
- Mothman (Level 35)
- Dread Mothman (Level 45)
- Albino Mothman (Level 55)
- Glowing Mothman (Level 65)
- Nascent Snallgaster (Level 14)
- Snallygaster (Level 22)
- Fetid Snallygaster (Level 30)
- Bloody Snallygaster (Level 38)
- Glowing Snallgaster (Level 46)
- Ultracite Snallygaster (Level 54)
- Wendigo (Level 22)
- Ravenous Wendigo (Level 32)
- Glowing Wendigo (Level 42)
- Scorched Wendigo (Level 52)
- Alien (Level 1)
- Alien Lieutenant (Level 32)
- Alien Captain (Level 42)
- Alien Star Admiral (Level 52)
- Machine-Gun Turret MK 1 (Level 6)
- Machine-Gun Turret MKIII (Level 16)
- Machine-Gun Turret MK V (Level 28)
- Machine-Gun Turret MKVII (Level 40)
- Wall-Mounted Laser Turret (Level 1/16/40/50/60)
- Wall-Mounted Machine-Gun Turret (Level 7/28)
While many of these animals sport different and tougher variants, it’s important to remember that the game doesn’t throw a ton of high-level foes at you early on. When you start Fallout 76 you’ll face a small collection of enemies from this list, so don’t worry about understanding them all.
That being said, as you reach the mid to late game we highly suggest you become familiar with some of the key creatures. Deathclaws, Mirelurk Queens, Scorchbeasts, and Sentry Bots are some of the fiercest creatures out there. Make sure to only engage these targets when you’re absolutely ready. There’s no shame in running or calling for back up!