Anew set of challenges for Fortnite has just gone live and they will be sending you all across the map. While some of these quests require you to obtain kills or use specific gadgets, one asks users to dance in front of seven different Fish Trophies. Thankfully, this is a pretty easy challenge, it will just take a bit of time since the fish are really spaced apart.
In order to complete this challenge, you’ll need to find the fish trophies on the wall and dance in front of them. This will cause the fish to “dance,” awarding you some progress towards your challenge. Below is the location of seven different fish trophies, however, there could be more on the island. You cannot dance at the same trophy twice.
- F5 – Second Floor of Dusty Diner in the back office
- F7 – In the basement of the blue house in Salty Springs
- B2 – First floor of the large factory in Junk Junction
- F8 – First floor of the large house in Fatal Fields
- F2 – Inside the golf store at Lazy Links
- H6 – The massive fish outside the mall at Retail Row
This is a pretty easy challenge to complete, but if you want to speed it up we recommend playing Disco Domination. Since the majority of these trophies are concentrated in the center of the map, you can easily obtain 2-4 before the game ends. Just make sure you see them move when you dance otherwise it won’t count.