Unlike Fallout games in the past, you have to take some extra tasks to use Power Armor. Fallout 76 asks the player to find Black Titanium to unlock the Excavator Power Armor.
There are a number of places to find Black Titanium but you might end up being a little scared to hear what some of those are.
One location is on Deathclaw Island located north of Point Pleasant, home of the Mothman. The island is located in the river right next to the fish icon shown on the map.
You can loot Black Titanium off legendary deathclaws that walk around on the island. If you’ve played Fallout games in the past you’ll know these are fearsome creatures and that hasn’t changed this time around. If you do plan on farming deathclaws I’d recommend bringing a friend or two along to speed up the process.

Deathclaw Island.
There are easier methods to obtain this rare material and one of those ways is to use maps found in the town of Welch located in the Ash Heap region. Welch can be found in the bottom left-hand corner of the map. Once you arrive you’re going to be looking for a Vending Machine that dispenses maps to mining sites.
These sites contain quite a bit of Black Titanium along with other useful items so it’s not completely useless to do this even if you don’t want Black Titanium.

Around the same area, you can also find Black Titanium by killing mole miners and scrapping their suits at a crafting bench.
Fallout 76 is out now for Xbox One, PS4 and PC through Bethesda’s online store.