Super Bit Machine has entered the realm of arena shooters with Armajet.
The development studio’s real-time, synchronous side-scrolling shooter has taken off since launch. Mobile and PC players have gotten sucked up into the game’s deep metagame, multitude of customization options, and fun take on a familiar gaming sub-genre. You and your chosen jetpack assisted soldier will need the best advice in order to claim victory on the regular. Thanks to the master strategists at Super Bit Machine, you’ll become an unstoppable Armajet player with this developer curated tips guide.
Here are the top 10 tips, tricks, and cheats you need to know for Armajet:
Download the Armajet APK here.
1. Embrace Your Inner Bounty Hunter

Super Bit Machine
• From time to time, you’ll see the ”Bounty Active” indicator on the in-game HUD and an enemy player will get a spinning “Bounty Reward” over their head. If you kill this player in the allotted time and help your team win the match, you’ll get a Bounty Reward that will help you unlock new weapons and ”Ultimates” (which can then be customized with ”Mods”), plus get new “Badges.”

Super Bit Machine
• Bounties appear for yourself alone – the enemy pilot has no indication that they’re your bounty. Take down your individual bounty quickly to get back into fighting as a team for the win. Bounty slots can be freed up quicker by using Paragon currency. Having at least one free Bounty slot grants you the chance to find one during your next match.
2. Leveling Your Pilots and Weapons

Super Bit Machine
• All of the weapons in Armajet are heavily balanced so that none of them has a huge advantage over the other. Super Bit Machine has even promised that Armajet will never be pay-to-win, either. Remember that hard counters exist and more exotic weapons become more situational within a growing list of maps and game modes.
• If you want to specialize in utilizing your favorite weapon faster, you’re going to need to stay in games, get kills, and complete your matches to earn experience points and gold that goes towards leveling up your pilot and weapons. Leveling up unlocks new weapon and ultimate “Blueprints,” which are found through Bounty Rewards. So keep in mind that being as active as possible correlates strongly with armory expansion.

Super Bit Machine
• Each kill grants you one point of XP towards the weapon you used to kill your enemy (win or lose), which is important for unlocking and using new Weapon Mods. Weapon Blueprints will also be available via the “Dynamic Store,” but they’re level-capped in conjunction with your pilot’s current level; if you find a Blueprint, Weapon Mod or Badge in the store that you love, act quickly with Gold or Paragon before the store refreshes its inventory.
3. Crafting, Recycling, and Unlocking New Weapon Mods

Super Bit Machine
• Every Weapon Mod, including “Legendaries,” have unique “Crafting” recipes. Don’t want to be stuck with just common camo’s? Craft and combine Mods with others to create Rare, Epic, and Legendary Mods. Is the Weapon Mod you really want just slightly out of reach? Level up your weapons faster by Recycling Mods you’ll never use for quick bursts of Weapon XP.

Super Bit Machine
• The rarer the Weapon Mod you Recycle, the more Weapon XP you gain from it. But make sure it isn’t worth keeping as part of an Epic or Legendary Crafting recipe. Make sure you have enough Gold handy to Recycle and Craft — be sure to check out the recipe cost beforehand. Legendary Mods will eventually include “+/-” weapon statistic changes and will be carefully balanced against their stock weapon statistics for even more advanced and highly situational play.
4. Never Stop Moving

Super Bit Machine
• Armajet is a fast-paced team deathmatch arena shooter filled with various maps and game modes that are sure to test any Pilot’s mettle. Naturally, in any one of these action-packed game modes, you’ll want to remember to never stop moving. Being in constant movement will always pay off versus a grounded pilot.
• Watch your fuel meter, don’t stand still, monitor for weakened opponents to help clean up kills with your teammates, and back out quickly when you’ve received significant damage. Remember that health recharges if you can escape to safety and that each round is also only 4-minutes long, so it’s best to do as much damage as possible while in the fight. Jetpacks begin refueling after one second of non-use. Personal health recharges after six seconds of non-damage. Most ammo reloads slightly faster if you keep one bullet left in the clip.
5. Understanding Primaries and Secondaries

Super Bit Machine
• There are many weapons available to explore within the Armajet armory. And by carefully outfitting your weapon loadouts, certain combinations of weapons can provide just the right situational support to keep the fight in your favor on specific maps and game modes. Choose wisely as your focus and position on a team can be defined by your selected weapons of choice, especially because they affect individual Pilot mobility, DPS, and attack range.
• Primary weapons are generally classified as “Automatic” (Point and Shoot), “Semi-Automatic” (Burst, Point, and Shoot), and “Single Shot” (Hold and Release). These weapon types can range from standard issue rifles like the Blacktusk, to shotguns, sniper rifles, and even exotic, team penetrating flamethrowers like the Wildfyre. Secondaries all fall under the “Hold and Release” type. Some can quickly finish off an enemy if your Primary weapon is out of ammo, lay fire to platforms, knockout Pilot jetpacks, and set proximity traps. And yes, the Widowblade is a throwing knife.
6. Weapon Tips and Tricks

Super Bit Machine
• As a rule of thumb, remember that your starting three Weapon Loadouts can hard-counter every single weapon you’ll eventually unlock during your Armajet career. You’re provided one of each basic weapon type that fill out important general positions: “Frontline”, “Support” (or “Refrag”), and “Backline.” Think of the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors format of weapon balancing when considering the following:
• Automatic weapons with low DPS, average mobility, medium-range like the Blacktusk can counter out of position, long-range, burst weapon players with sniper rifles or grenade launchers. There should be at least one automatic weapon included in your weapon loadout as a reliable fallback for any scenario. Utility weapons with medium damage, short-to-medium range, but increased accuracy are helpful for kill “clean-ups” in a prolonged team fight. The Tremor’s ammunition, for example, is able to ricochet off hard surfaces, finding hard-to-reach kills at a medium distance with a buckshot cartridge of four bullets dealing 20 points of damage each.
• High-damage, burst weapons like sniper rifles come at a cost of lower mobility and long reload times. But they’re completely devastating when used at a distance. If you like to pick off targets from afar, listen to the calls your frontline is making and keep the enemy at bay with each shot. Rail guns like the Velocitas, have the ability to penetrate through multiple enemy Pilots, causing incredible collateral damage in the blink of an eye.
7. Map Tips and Tricks

Super Bit Machine
• Armajet maps come in many shapes, sizes, and themes ranging from horizontally tight caverns, vertical jungles, moon bases, and more. Each map can generally be dissected by a “Top,” “Mid,” and “Bottom” section with each section continually reminding Pilots which weapons work best. Here are some macro-level tips that all Pilots need to keep in mind:
• Try your hand at bringing sniper fire in open-air maps like “Temple.” With massive verticality on the top platform, multiple sniping peak positions available in mid, and a long, relatively flat, bottom section, veterans end up calling this map “Target Practice.” Make sure you use all available getaway possibilities when your position is compromised. Tight, edgy maps like ”Snowbase” greatly showcase automatic and utility-based weapons. Central vertical channels and a long hallway separate both halves, so you’ll want to utilize weapons with speed and “bounce” to claim and defend valuable Power Ups. Consider your team composition wisely.
• Some maps are more defined with “lane” type architecture, like ”Magma” or “Moon” that have lower ceilings but clearly have top, mid, and bottom sections. Work in a more balanced team composition and a variety of weapon loadouts for success on these maps. These map types also offer clear horizontal sightlines for unobstructed sniping (even occasional blind firing can end up puncturing faraway jetpacks).

• During the intermission lobby pre/post match, 45-seconds are available for you to reconfigure your loadouts. Greatly consider which weapon loadouts you’d like to carry to the next battle, especially if you already know which map is being heavily voted on. This small window of opportunity could mean the difference between a hard-fought victory and a losing landslide for your Pilot.
8. Use Ultimates Wisely

Super Bit Machine
• Various Ultimate abilities are available to deploy, devastate, and significantly impact the flow of battle during a match. Your Ultimate is pre-selected in your armory before a match and can only be activated during a match once you earn them. The quicker you rack up enemy kills and killstreaks, the faster you’ll be able to use them. You’ll want to aim for at least 10 kills in combination with a few “Killing Sprees” to activate an Ultimate. The natural uptick rate of any Ultimate ability (0.3 per second) is longer than a single Armajet match.
• Deciding when to use an Ultimate ability requires seasoned game sense and is the difference in your making that clutch play or wasting a golden opportunity to win. Some for your Ultimates are one-time use personal Exo-Modules. Others like Drones and Sentries persist for a certain amount of time or are destroyed in battle. Then there are Ultimates that are nearly inescapable, like Airstrikes. Exo-Module Ultimates activate on your personal flightsuit and give you timed enhancements as long as you’re alive. These Ultimates include increased mobility, self-healing, increased dexterity, and even the ability to shoot and reload extremely fast, which temporarily overrides a gun’s base stats.
• Drones and Sentries are deployable AI units that patrol the skies and strategically defend positions. Use drones and sentries to quickly lock down enemy teams, block hallway passages, and secure power ups. You can even use them to soak up incoming damage. Airstrike Ultimates come in two flavors (for now): Rockets and Napalm. These are the most high-risk/high-reward Ultimates with the potential to cause a 100-percent team wipe. Maximize their use on Magma or Temple and make sure you run for cover, too.
• Don’t be tempted to activate an Ultimate ability right away. Sometimes retreating, loading up on Health & Shields, holding for precise placements, or awaiting a new respawn are much better times to activate your Ultimate. And remember, if it falls from the sky, everyone should be taking shelter (even you).
9. Boost, Boost, Boost!

Super Bit Machine
• You should use your jetpack Boost ability as often as possible. Using Boost requires 60-percent of your jetpack fuel, which limits its use to once per refuel (remember that jetpacks refuel after one second of non-use). As a veteran pilot, it’s a must-learn. It’s your call when to activate boost to quickly dodge bullets, gain aerial advantages in dogfights, or move faster across maps to starve opponents of critical shields and health packs. Instantly gain momentum, combine boost with jump pads, and explore the secrets of bunny hopping surfaces — fully utilizing this advanced movement mechanic separates the wolves from the sheep.
• To Boost, press “E” on Armajet on PC and “Tap-Release-Swipe” in quick succession on the left control stick for mobile devices (a standalone button for Armajet mobile is coming soon for increased button parity across platforms).
10. Shields, Health, and Game-Changing Power Ups

Super Bit Machine
• Studying when and where game-changing Power Ups (like ”Double Damage” and “Invisibility” buffs) spawn are critical to map control. Use the visual indicators to receive in-game hints as to where they’re available for pick up. Full map control is gained when you’re able to starve an enemy team of their own spawnable shields and health packs – this greatly increases your dive chances to take the central, game-changing, power ups like the Double Damage buff. This power up doubles your weapon loadout’s damage output (primaries and secondaries only) for a limited time.
• Once you (or anyone) picks up Double Damage, the effect lasts for a total active time of 30-seconds. If you get killed, pray that you were in close proximity to your team for a handoff that continues the buff in your team’s favor. All sniper class weapons paired with the Double Damage buff turn into “one-shot” kill weapons against all enemies without a “Super Shield” Ultimate ability that is also active (which is very rare).
• Picking up Invisibility also lasts 30-seconds and turns your flightsuit near-transparent, making it much harder for enemies to track your movement. Sneak around maps and flank entire teams that can’t see you coming. Being killed while having Invisibility eliminates the buff entirely until its next spawn cycle. A Shield pick up grants an additional +50-HP barrier to your available health. Health packs grant you an instant maximum heal to 100-HP. Using very careful timing, shield, and health management, there are ways to survive more than two sniper weapon shots in a row.
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