Nero and Dante have one thing in common – they get a kick out of hacking, slashing, and blasting demons.
It’s been a while since gamers have seen Nero in action. After Devil May Cry 4 concluded, the series as a whole took a different direction. Capcom entrusted developer Ninja Theory with the production of DmC: Devil May Cry. While fans lamented the spinoff’s art style and strange interpretation of Dante, there was still a good amount of love shown towards its high-octane battle mechanics and interesting level design. Capcom has now chosen to combine the best of the mainline series and DmC for the next official entry in the series – Devil May Cry 5.
Get ready for a new dose of demon killing as we break down the finer mechanics of the next entry in the Devil May Cry franchise.
Devil May Cry 5 Release Date

Devil May Cry 5 is set to release on March 8, 2019.
Devil May Cry 5 Reveal Trailer
Devil May Cry 5 Platforms

Devil May Cry 5 will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Story & Characters

Devil May Cry 5 takes place after the events of Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 4. Nero makes his return with a self-proclaimed “artisan of arms” by his side named Nico. They’re entered the business of demon hunting just like Dante did before them via a mobile “Devil May Cry” transport vehicle.
Their current mission takes place in Red Grave City, a location ravaged by the sudden appearance of a massive tree that drains the blood of the city’s citizens. This event also marks the arrival of an army of demons who’re at odds with Nero and Nico. Luckily, those two heroes won’t go it alone during their journey to save the world. They’ll be joined by the grizzled demon hunting veteran Dante, his closest allies Trish and Lady, and a mysterious new character simply known as V.
Gameplay Mechanics & Modes

Devil May Cry 5 retains the realistic visuals first seen in DmC: Devil May Cry and combines it with the gameplay/story arc that was covered in the mainline series. Just like before, you’ll take on a huge variety of demons while equipped with all sorts of melee weaponry, guns, and other assorted tools. Nero chooses to vanquish demons with his “Red Queen” sword, “Blue Rose” hand cannon, and a weaponized prosthetic arm known as the “Devil Breaker.”

Since Nero no longer has access to his former demonic arm (the “Devil Bringer”), he now has to rely on an array of Devil Breaker attachments. Devil Breaker’s are capable of sending out an electric shockwave, slow down time, emitting a charged up blast, and accomplish so much more. The lineup of Devil Bringer’s revealed thus far includes “Overture,” “Gerbera,” “Ragtime,” “Punch Line,” “Buster Arm,” “Helter Skelter,” “Tomboy,” and “Rawhide.” With the Red Souls accumulated from killing demons, Nero can refill his Devil Breaker’s and acquire items from Nico’s mobile workshop.

Dante also comes along for the ride with his trusty array of iconic weaponry. He dishes out all manners of demon punishment with his “Rebellion” blade, his twin pistols “Ebony & Ivory,” and his double-barreled shotgun “Coyote-A.” As for his new weapons, Dante now comes equipped with a pair of hand/foot gauntlets known as the “Balrog.”
This melee weapon’s “Kick Mode” powers up Dante’s kicking attacks, while its “Blow Mode” bestows Dante with swift maneuvering abilities. Dante also brings a heavier melee weapon into the demon hunting fray called “Cavaliere.” This powerful motorcycle can be split into two twin swords and even deal damage in its motorbike form. Dante’s Devil Trigger formation remains intact and he also has access to a blade named after his heroic father – “Devil Sword Sparda.”

Besides the game’s main campaign, Devil May Cry 5 will also feature a Photo Mode, Gallery, and Training Mode. Interestingly enough, the game will also feature an online multiplayer mode for up to two or three players. Once more information about the third playable character V is released, we’ll be sure to describe him in greater detail right here.

Devil May Cry 5 is currently up for pre-order (right here) and offers a set of bonus costumes for Nero, Nico, Dante, Lady, and Trish. The game’s other pre-order goodies includes early access to the “Mega Buster” Devil Breaker and 100,000 Red Orbs. The Deluxe Edition of the game comes with a huge offering of bonus DLC, which can be read about in the description posted below:

– access to the following Devil Breaker’s for Nero: “Gerbera GP01,” “Pasta Breaker,” “Sweet Surrender,” and the “Mega Buster”
– access to Dante’s enhanced motorcycle weapon, “Cavaliere R”
– 12 battle music tracks from Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 3, and Devil May Cry 4
– alternate voices for the game’s Style Rank Announcers and Title Calls
– access to behind-the-scenes live-action cutscenes
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