Another week of Fortnite challenges are upon us and that means it’s time to start searching the map for a new Battle Star. While there are a number of challenges, Week 10 has us searching between a covered bridge, waterfall, & the 9th green. This is a fairly easy to find location and you should be able to grab it with little effort.
You can find this Battle Star to the right of Lazy Links, just above the covered bridge near Tomato Temple. On the small hill to the left of the river, you’ll find a shack with a little patch of dirt in front of it. This is where the Battle Star will be for Week 10, so make sure to snatch it up when you can. Since this is in a pretty high traffic area, you can always just grab it when transitioning to the circle.

However, if you are worried about getting killed consider loading up at Lazy Links or the various sand traps scattered about. These are a good source of loot and it will ensure you have a better chance of not dying when going for this Battle Star. You could always grab this star in the 50v50 mode if you are having trouble securing it.