Much of the buzz around the new Dead by Daylight PTB is the addition of the new killer but there has also been a variety of other changes.
Although the Spirit is actually the new killer the Wraith will feel like a new killer as well. The Wraith has undergone a complete rework that will effectively make him a lot more viable.
In a previous developer stream they said they are looking at the Wraith with Freddy being looked at later. The biggest change for the Wraith comes with the built-in Windstorm coming out of uncloak which will instantly make him more viable.
Here’s the complete list of Wraith changes live in the PTB right now:
- After successfully uncloaking, the wraith gains a burst of speed for 1 second, similar to the effect from the Windstorm add-ons. These add-ons have been redesigned.
- Movement speed while uncloaking has been adjusted.
- The uncloak exit animation, which lasts 0.3 seconds after finishing uncloaking, can now be cancelled by attacking or interacting with objects.
- Time required to burn the Wraith out of cloak with a flashlight increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds. The Blind Warrior add-ons, which previously granted further light burn protection, have been redesigned.
Revisited all of the Wraith’s add-ons
- “All Seeing” – Blood: Survivor aura reading range increased from 10m to 12m.
- “All Seeing” – Mud: Replaced with new add-on “The Beast” – Soot. Changed rarity from Uncommon to Common. The Wraith’s terror radius no longer suppressed while cloaked, and bloodpoints granted for Stalker and Surprise Attack are increased by 100%.
- “All Seeing” – Spirit: Redesigned. While cloaked, the repair progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their auras.
- “All Seeing” – White: Replaced with new add-on “The Serpent” – Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith will uncloak completely when breaking pallets or damaging generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – Blood: Replaced with new add-on “Shadow Dance” – White. Changed rarity from Very Rare to Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – Mud: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with aura blindness for 60 seconds.
- “Blind Warrior” – Soot: replaced with “The Hound” – Soot. Fresh blood marks are considerable more discernible than normal.
- “Blind Warrior” – Spirit: Replaced with new add-on “Shadow Dance” – Blood. Changed rarity from Ultra Rare to Very Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – White: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with mangled and hemorrhage until healed.
- “Blink” add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
- “Swift Hunt” add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
- “The Ghost” – White: Redesigned and renamed “The Ghost” – Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith’s terror radius will remains suppressed for 6 seconds after uncloaking.
- “Windstorm” add-ons now increase the Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked and decrease the Wraith’s movement speed while uncloaking.
- Bone Clapper: Changed rarity from Common to Uncommon. Survivors can no longer discern the Wailing Bell’s distance or direction.
- Coxcombed Clapper: Changed rarity from Uncommon to Ultra Rare. Renders the Wailing Bell completely silent.
See Also: