Destiny 2’s first major expansion is only a few weeks away and it’s going to shake up the game in major ways. Not only is the weapon and armor system getting completely revamped, but certain aspects of this title are being removed. This makes it tricky to know what to hold on to and what to ditch before September 4. Regardless if you’re a veteran, returning player, or brand new to the series here’s how to prepare for the Destiny 2 Forsaken DLC.
(There will also be a TL;DR section at the bottom for what you should keep or ditch.)
1. Start Cleaning Out Your Vault

Even though the Vault space is getting increased from 250 to 500 with the new expansion, we still recommend cleaning out your vault. With the return of random roles, static elements, and new items your vault is going to run out of space quickly This also makes a lot of the firearms you currently own obsolete, since there is a chance you can obtain better versions of those weapons.
Make sure to spend some time going through your collection and deleting items you aren’t attached too. Outside of your favorite weapons, we recommend holding on to special items like Faction Rally winner rewards, Iron Banner guns, or ones tied to special activities such as the Forge set. While we suspect that there will be better rolls for a lot of these guns, just hold onto them until you find a version of the weapon you like.
As for Exotics, since they will have stagnant perks, you can hold onto all of them going into Forsaken. However, if you do need more space just delete the Exotics you never use since they can be repurchased via the Collection tab. Finally, consider holding onto any Eververse sets since the previous seasons are basically unobtainable at this point.
2. Know What to Ditch

There are a lot of changes happening when Forsaken launches so it can be easy to assume that everything is worth holding onto. This is false, largely because some aspects of Destiny 2 are getting removed from the game. One of the first items you can stop hoarding is Planetary Tokens. These will be discontinued going into Forsaken and the ones you use will reward Year One drops. Unless you want to use them to try and hit the soft cap, they won’t be needed.
One set you will want to use before Forsaken is the Vanguard Research Tokens. These are going to be removed from your inventory once Forsaken launches, so make sure to use them before September 4.
Additionally, we recommend deleting any elemental weapon mods right before Forsaken releases. Guns are going to always have specific elements tied to them, so there’s no reason to hold onto these mods. Just delete them and collect the Mod Components which are far more valuable. Treasure Maps are also useless in Forsaken, so there’s no reason to keep them at all. Finally, you can just use your engrams now since they won’t decrypt into any Year Two items.
3. Okay, But What Do I Keep?

While some items are getting tossed, others are worth hoarding. Try to not spend any of your Masterwork Cores, Legendary Shards, or Bright Dust until Forsaken releases. All of these will be extremely useful going into the DLC – especially the Legendary Shards and Masterwork Cores. If you’re going for the Solstice of Heroes armor set, there is no reason to infuse anything until Forsaken drops. Don’t waste these resources unless you absolutely have to since we don’t know how expensive certain mechanics in Forsaken will be.
You should also hold onto Crucible, Iron Banner, and Vanguard Tokens. All of these can drop Year Two weapons and armor, so its worth keeping them for now. Once Forsaken drops, you can use these Tokens to help you reach the level soft cap. Also, keep any Planetary Materials like Alkane Dust or Phaseglass Spires since they will have more of a purpose in the DLC.
4. Finish Your Solstice of Heroes Armor Set

With the new level cap being raised to 600, we recommend trying to at least obtain one Solstice of Heroes armor set. The Resplendent set drops at 400 Light so it can give you a small head start in the expansion. These will take a bit of time to obtain, but you should be able to get at least one Masterworked set before September 4. Even if you don’t want to wear the set, it’s still nice to have since there won’t be another way to obtain it after the event ends. If you are a collector, it’s absolutely worth grinding for this gear.
5. Obtain Unique Seasonal Rewards

If you have finished all of this and are looking for something to do until Forsaken releases, consider trying to maximize your Vanguard and Crucible rank. This will end up using Tokens, but it may be worth obtaining some of the Level 50 items. Hitting the max Vanguard rank will reward you with the Zavala’s Authority ship. It’s a cool ship that will certainly be rare, but the item we suggest going for is the Alchemical Dawn Shell from Shaxx.
This is obtained by resetting your Valor rank twice and it’s one of the best Ghosts in the game. Obtaining additional faction consumables for both PvE and PvP activities is quite useful, plus it will generate Gunsmith telemetry on elemental weapon kills.
If you want something even more exclusive then set your sights on the Redrix’s Claymore. This Pulse Rifle is unlocked by hitting Glory Rank 3 and so far only a few thousand players own it. It’s probably the rarest weapon in all of Destiny 2 and certainly a powerful gun.

- Exotics
- Vanguard Tokens
- Crucible Tokens
- Emperor Calus Tokens
- Iron Banner Tokens
- Planetary Tokens
- Promotional XP Boosts
- Planetary Materials
- Gunsmith Telemetry
- Masterwork Cores
- Legendary Shards
- Mod Components
- Bright Dust
- Shaders
- Fireteam Medallions
- Ghosts
- Elemental Weapon Mods
- Treasure Maps
- Any Weapon You Don’t Want/Have Duplicates Of
- Vanguard Tokens (Only If You Need to Hit Level 50)
- Bright Engrams
- Legendary Engrams
- Exotic Engrams
- Vanguard Research Tokens