Another week means another collection of Fortnite challenges for players to complete. This week’s set of challenges include a variety of different tasks including killing players at Tilted Towers, completing time trials, and hunting for chests at Lonely Lodge. However, one of the oddest challenges requires players to look where the stone heads are facing.
For the unfamiliar, the stone heads were added into Fortnite during the Season 5 update. Typically these large heads are surrounded by treasure chests and Rifts, making them fairly important points on the map. Reddit user ShadoukenGaming actually mapped out the convergence point is for where this stone heads are looking.

Reddit user ShadoukenGaming’s mapping of where the Stone Heads are looking.
From the picture you can see that the every stone head is looking towards the west end of Salty Springs. While most of them converge at a single point, there are a few outliers that don’t exactly line up. If we remove the ones that are out of place, we can see that they connect on the road leaving Salty Springs. When looking around the area, we noticed a small shed that is right by this road. We speculate that the hidden Battle Star is either on the road itself or on top of the shed.
Until the challenges go live on Thursday we won’t know the exact spot where the Battle Star is located. Once Week 6 begins we will drop here and post the exact spot where you can find the Battle Star.
There is a chance that developer Epic Games alters the requirements for this challenge, so we will continuously update this article as more information becomes available.