Fortnite is bringing the controversial Guided Missile back into the game.
The Guided Missile was too powerful for players who were good at the game and those who had the ability to rocket ride themselves. If you couple that with the fact it was a difficult weapon to defend against and you have a foundation for an arguably broken weapon.
Since the weapon has been vaulted the Fortnite meta has shifted more heavily to build battles and the ability to build things in a short amount of time. Maybe this is why Epic decided now is the time to reintroduce the weapon.
The weapon was at its most powerful in squad matches as three of your teammates could burst down a structure while the guided rocket would find its target while the enemy is undefended.
In the solo state of the game it was actually pretty easy to defend against but newer players would still struggled. These problems coupled with complaints from the community resulted in the Guided Missile being vaulted.
Rockets have since been nerfed so player just have less of them during the matches so you won’t have to worry about have 40 consecutive rockets coming your way anymore.
Epic Games has rebalanced the Guided Missile to be more of scouting tool rather than being a high-damage weapon. This means it has reduced movement speed, turning speed, damage and damage radius. The clip is also capped at 12 rockets so you won’t have to defend against it forever.
The exact stats of the rocket hasn’t been revealed yet so we can probably expect to see that in future patch notes.
This news was revealed in a Fortnite developer update that can be watched in its entirety above. No timetable has been given for the return of the Guided Missile but we can likely expect to see it soon.
Another Solo Showdown competition kicks off today too. It runs until the morning of July 30 which you can read more about here.
Fortnite: Battle Royale is out now on Xbox One, PS4, iOS, Nintendo Switch and PC via the Epic Games Launcher. For more Fortnite: Battle Royale coverage, content and guides stay with us here at Heavy. Make sure you check out the rest of our gaming coverage too.
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