A new round of Fortnite cosmetics have been datamined and there are some awesome looking items coming our way. Posted first on Fortnite Intel, this is our first look at the new skins, gliders, back blings, and pickaxes set to release during Season 5. There is still no overarching theme with this season outside of a bunch of aqua-related outfits and items. Currently, the names, release date, and rarities are not available at the time of writing this.
Here is look at all of the new items coming for Fortnite Season 5:


Back Bling


Despite lacking their rarity, we can certainly speculate where these items will fall based on their appearance. There are only a few elaborate cosmetic items here like the shark glider and the scuba diver that would warrant 2,000 V-Bucks. While we cannot say for sure, it’s clear that Epic Games are really leaning into the summer aesthetic.
Remember, we cannot completely confirm that these skins are real or that they are coming to Fortnite. Yet, given how accurate all oft he previous datamines have been we suspect these are all real. Hopefully, the next batch of skins will focus more on the time-traveling aspect that we see in the Battle Pass.
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