The world of Vampyr is a dangerous one thanks to the roaming hunters, twisted monsters, and fatal diseases. Just like other RPGs, players can level up their character’s attributes, abilities, and even his equipment. However, unlike other titles, Vampyr introduces a unique way to earn experience that directly impacts the story and world. While you can earn XP by beating up enemies and completing quests, the best way is by feeding on the NPCs in the world.
Doing so will often earn you anywhere between several hundred and a few thousand points of experience but at some dramatic costs. This brings up the question of whether you should or if you even need to feed off the people of London.
What Happens When an NPC Dies?
If you choose to feed on an NPC in Vampyr, then it’s important to understand the ramifications of your decision. The first is the NPC will be gone forever and all storylines involving them will either alter or end completely. Vampyr’s citizens all have detailed backstories and relationships with one another, so killing a person off will impact those involved. It also has the potential to remove certain hints or even vendors from the game entirely. This makes it imperative that you really study and think about who you want to feed on.
Additionally, killing someone in the community will lower the status of the district by at least 5 percent. This typically won’t matter as long as the district doesn’t devolve into the hostile status. You can see how each district is impacted by opening up your menu and going to the large character tree. To the left with be a bar showcasing the population’s condition, along with photos of the NPCs you’ve met, any diseases they might have, and their hints. Highlighting an NPC will also let you know how much blood you’ll receive when you kill them.
Should You Feed on an NPC?
Killing an NPC is one of Vampyr’s the most complex and difficult questions it asks players. There’s no denying the massive boost of XP can make difficult fights much easier, but it will also alter the game. Even though every citizen can be killed here are some recommendations for people that should be spared.
- Vendors
- Hospital Staff
- Key Story Characters
- Anyone with Hints still locked
Unless you’re going for a “no kill” playthrough, then we recommend feeding on at least one or two people. However, you shouldn’t need to feed on someone until at least Chapter 4. Most of the bosses up until this point are pretty easy as long as you fight conservatively and have upgraded weapons.
If you do feed on people, always make sure to complete every hint and clear them of diseases. This will maximize your blood intake and ensure more opportunities to advance Jonathan’s abilities. Killing someone while they’re sick is a waste and should never happen unless you are really desperate for experience. Remember, you can always farm enemies for experience, but this is a very slow process – especially when leveling up skills cost 2,000+ points.