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Where To Find Mushrooms in Fortnite


Yesterday’s update to Fortnite added another consumable in the form of mushrooms. However, many players are reporting issues with finding them in the game itself.

You may have seen apples lying around in the world, which will heal the player 5 HP when consumed. Those are pretty common to see if you’re playing but mushrooms seem like a whole new story.

The patch notes give the following description on the new consumable:

Added new foraged item: Mushrooms

  • Mushrooms will grant 5 shield (up to 100).
  • Can be found around shady wooded or swampy areas.

This means you should be able to find mushrooms pretty easy on the east side of the map near Moisty Mire, Wailing Woods and the Lonely Lodge. Any place with a cabin seems like a good bet to find some mushrooms nearby as well.

While some players have reported no issues with finding the mushrooms, we also have a good number of players saying they can’t find them.

Mushrooms are a handy thing to find because they will replenish 5 shield, no matter what your shield bar is at. This means you can use a combination of mini shields, big shields and mushrooms to top off at 100 shield.

Mushrooms, like apples, are not able to be picked up and put into your inventory so you’ll just have to consume them on the spot.

The mushrooms operate pretty much the same as the apples except they seem to be a much rarer commodity. Mushrooms have a shiny blue cap so be on the lookout for those.

There’s been some chatter about the mushrooms only being available in certain game modes or you can only see them we with shadows turned on. We can assure you this is not the case and the mushrooms can be found in any game mode.

While the patch notes do mention wooded areas, we’re assuming you can find them all over the place because they shouldn’t just be trapped in certain areas of the map. Have you seen mushrooms in the wild yet? Let us know where you saw them in the comments.

A few more changes have been made with this latest patch including the introduction of the controllable shopping cart. You can operate it solo by pushing it or you could have a friend jump into the front of it. There’s a lot of fun to be had with the carts and you can usually find them in city locations like Retail Row or Tilted Towers but they are scattered all over.

Another limited-time mode has been introduced called Teams of 20v2. This mode splits the 100 players into the match into five teams of 20 as they battle it out until the end. The Blitz mode also returns which features a faster circle, more loot and just all around more chaos. Like all LTMs in the past, these are only around for a limited time so make sure you try them before they disappear.

Friday’s Fortnite Keemstar tournament will feature the Blitz mode so you can check that out if you want to see some of the top players compete against one another.

If you’re a fan of the Friday Fortnite tournaments you might want to the check out the Fortnite Pro-Am at E3. The tournament matches streamers and creators with celebrities as they work together looking to obtain the Victory Royale. You can read more about the teams competing in the event right here.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is out now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC via the Epic Games Launcher. For more Fortnite: Battle Royale coverage, content and guides stay with us here at Heavy. Make sure you check out the rest of our gaming coverage too.

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