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5 Legends of Runeterra Tips & Tricks You Need to Know


Riot Games has adapted its Leauge of Legends MOBA universe into a quality card battling game called Legends of Runeterra.

As you discover the game’s many Champions, Guardians, and Spell cards, you’ll need to put them to good use within your custom decks and take them into battle against all sorts of AI and human foes. A highly strategic card battler such as this one is deep and full of intricacies that beginner players may have a hard time wrapping their heads around at first. This tips guide will present to you a number of pointers that will push you in the right direction towards victory. It’s time for you to come out on the winning end more often and transform you into a Legends of Runeterra master!

Here are the top five tips, tricks, and cheats you need to know for Legends of Runeterra:

Download the Legends of Runeterra APK here.

1. Participate in Every Bonus Challenge Before You Take on Human Players

• Once you’ve completed the mandatory tutorials given to you when you first start up Legends of Runeterra, don’t rush right into taking on human players. In order to get a handle on what each deck is capable of and how each card type can benefit you in battle, make sure you complete each and every set of challenges the game throws at you.

• These challenges are themed around each deck type and break down every type of situation that may arise during a future clash against a fellow player. Once you’ve gotten through all those bonus challenges, spend some time playing matches against the AI – while your chances of losing against computer-controlled opponents are pretty low, you’ll still want to contend with them since you can try out your custom decks and strategies in a much safer fashion. Take the time to learn the in’s and out’s of this game by completing challenges, notch some wins against the AI, and then you’ll be ready to throw your hat into the ring for some player ranked/normal matches.

2. Use Those Early Rounds to Build Up an Army of Powerful Atackers

Legends of Runterra gives players numerous League of Legends regions to build decks from and various cards to head into battle with. The early rounds of a battle should be used to increase your hero ranks by summoning them to the field when you have the points needed to do so. For example, the Buff and Tuff deck features a collection of character cards that have the ability to boost their allies’ attack/defense stats. This deck type is filled with plenty of strong warriors, so it’s worth keeping them safe from harm while you wait for your chance to draw an ally strengthening card that can make those strong warriors far more formidable.

• The Spells and Stealth deck is great since it lets you utilize Elusive characters who can attack directly and not be blocked by an opposing enemy. You’ll really need to take your time building up your attacking army with this deck so you can launch an all-out assault with multiple Elusive characters – you can overwhelm your foe with a series of direct Elusive character attacks that can’t be blocked. When you decide to build up your own deck, be sure to have a character and spell card of every type within it to give you the extra edge in every battle you enter.

3. Do Everything in Your Power to Boost the Attack/Defense Traits of Your Champions Who Can Level Up

• The most powerful character cards in Legends of Runeterra are the ones that have the power to level up after certain battle conditions are met. Garen falls under that card type – after striking at an enemy on the opposing player’s side twice, he levels up and further aids your efforts by adding a Champion Spell to your deck.

• Once you’ve summoned an upgradeable hero, you’ll need to adapt your strategy towards earning the opportunity to level them up. So say you summon a Tryndamere – he levels up when he dies. So whenever a player decides to attack you with a character card with high attack/defense stats, use Tryndamere to block that card’s attack. An attack from a strong enemy that would usually kill a weaker card altogether will actually upgrade Tryndamere instead and make him even more powerful during your proceeding turn. Learn about what it takes to level up your deck’s Champions so you can eventually pull off a rare move by having several of them leveled up at once during a single battle. Placing multiple leveled up Champions on the field alongside Guardians and fellow allies for a big attack is definitely a game-winning strategy.

4. Sometimes It’s Not Worth Attacking or Blocking During a Round- Take Some Direct Damage While You Focus on Strengthening Your Warriors and Conserving Your Mana for Spells

• If your opponent feels the need to attack you directly, sometimes it’s worth absorbing that direct damage. You’re in for the long haul when it comes to winning a Legends of Runeterra matchup, so the early hits you sustain shouldn’t really make you worry too much. When you have the chance to land an attack early on, you should only commit to that action when your foe has nothing to defend them or places a character card in your way with lower attack/defense stats than your attacking character card.

• As new rounds begin, you’ll earn more card summoning and mana points. This means you’ll have the chance to summon stronger cards and activate spells during each matches’ proceeding rounds. Just imagine how much better off you’ll be when you finally have enough points to summon Cithra The Bold, who gives her attacking allies +1|+1 and can tap into the Fearsome ability (this means that character type can only be blocked by enemies with three or more Attack). Fearsome type characters work great in conjunction with Challenger cards – Challenger cards get to choose which enemy unit card they can face off against. This means you can choose to kill character cards with an attack stat less than three with a Challenger type, while your Fearsome character cards can attack the opposing player directly if they don’t have any strong character cards to defend them.

5. Get Familiar With Spell Card Types

• Keep in mind that you have access to a mana reserve that’s primarily used to activate spell cards. Speaking of spells, make sure you’re in tune with the type of spells you can utilize. Keep in mind that Slow spell cards cannot be played in opposition to other spell cards, while Fast spell cards can be played in response to other spell cards except for Burst spell cards. And finally, Burst spell cards can only be opposed by an opposing player’s Burst spell cards. Some of the best spell cards you should include in your deck early on are Radiant Strike, En Garde, and Take Heart.

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