With Fortnite’s latest 3.4 update several players have been reporting that their controller was vibrating much more than usual while playing the game. Here are some fixes to stop your controller vibration in Fortnite.
Players have been saying their controller has been vibrating at random times, such as when they are just walking or standing still. This can grow tiresome pretty quickly which is why we have some suggestions for you to fix this issue.
Unfortunately, the fix you’re looking probably isn’t the one you want to hear. The problem seems to lie with Fortnite itself so either you wait for a hotfix or a patch to fix the problem or you go into your console’s settings and disable controller vibration completely.
If the problem has become unbearable, and chances are if you’re reading this that it has, then you can follow these steps on your respective console to disable controller vibration, at least until the bug is ironed out.
How to Disable Controller Vibration on Xbox One
To stop controller vibration on Xbox One you have to follow these simple steps:
- Go to System Settings
- Select Ease of Access
- Go to Controller Options
- Select your Controller
- Select Configure, Edit and finally Vibration and adjust the slider
How to Disable Controller Vibration on PS4
To stop controller vibration on PS4 you have to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Settings
- Select Devices
- Select Controllers
- Disable Controller Vibration in Fortnite
These issues will probably get ironed out pretty quickly if it is as big as a problem as it sounds like it is. You can always just sit tight and wait for Epic Games to address the issue as they have done with many issues like this in the past.
Luckily, these short-term fixes to turn off vibration don’t take a whole lot of time so you can go ahead and do them and then turn vibration back on when the issue is resolved. It is nearly the weekend now, a holiday weekend at that, so you might have to wait an extended period of time for the bug to be fixed unless an update goes out today.
A hotfix did go out this morning, titled the 3.4.1 update, that did fix issues with the Snipers and the Pump Shotgun delay but nothing was said about the controller vibration issue.
Tomorrow, March 30, we will be deploying a v3.4.1 update with no downtime at 4am ET (5am ET for Xbox One) for PC, PS4, and Xbox One to address the following issues:
- Multiple Crash Fixes
- Pump Shotgun Animation Delay
- Distance not being shown for Sniper Rifle eliminations
Mobile will be getting these same fixes (along with some Mobile-specific fixes), which will be coming in the near future. Updates will be posted accordingly.
Fortnite: Battle Royale is out now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC via the Epic Games Launcher. For more Fortnite: Battle Royale coverage, content and guides stay with us here at Heavy. Make sure you check out the rest of our gaming coverage too.
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