The beloved (and last) game in the real-time strategy series, Warcraft 3, is being remade by Blizzard it’s set to debut in early 2020.
This comes on the heels of World of Warcraft Classic, which released back in 2019. The game was mostly driven by nostalgia and there’s no doubt Blizzard is hoping for the same when it comes to Warcraft.
The Warcraft series hasn’t seen a new entry since the launch of World of Warcraft, but the game still has a dedicated following that is hoping that Warcraft 3: Reforged will be able to recapture the magic.
Microsoft has already done a good job with their RTS series Age of Empires and rereleases, so let’s hope Blizzard can nail it with Warcraft.
Just when can we expect to see Warcraft 3 release?
Warcraft 3 Reforged Release Date

BlizzardHere’s when can expect Warcraft 3: Reforged.
Players will be able to get their hands on Warcraft 3 Reforged on January 28.
Fans may remember that the game was originally supposed to release back in 2019, but Blizzard delayed it just to get some last-second fine-tuning in.
We’re sure that whatever work went into getting the game into a more playable state will have been worth it.
It will release exclusively for PC, which is to be expected, but for anyone hoping the game could make a jump to Xbox One or PS4 will be out of luck.
Warcraft 3 Reforged will not just be a shot-for-shot remake of the game as there will be a few changes made. You can rest easy in knowing the story will not be retconned as a result of WoW.
Some of the locations will reflect their World of Warcraft counterparts to help bridge the gap a bit between the two games. If you’re a brand-new player to the franchise, you might be happy to hear the campaign will have a difficulty setting just for you.

Warcraft 3: Reforged is nearly here.
The special difficulty, called “story mode,” will be for players who just want to see how the plot plays out, instead of having to struggle through it.
In this campaign, the player will also be able to get a feel for the game. We expect there to be a decent amount of players returning to the game, but also a bunch of new ones.
It would be a death sentence for the new players to jump right into the multiplayer mode without knowing how to play the game, so the campaign might not be a bad idea to play first.