With Destiny 2’s Season of Dawn almost here, developer Bungie has released a new roadmap detailing what players should expect in the coming months. Boasting new activities, rewards, and quests to complete, the season officially begins December 10 and will run throughout February. During the latest live stream, Community Manager Deej gave us a very brief look at some of the upcoming content. Unfortunately, Trials of Osiris/The Nine was not discussed, so don’t expect this PvP mode to return during the season.
Here is a breakdown of each major event taking place during the Season of Dawn:

- December 10: Season of Dawn Launches
- December 17: Nessus and EDZ Obelistsk/The Sundial: Ozletc, The Sky Piercer/Save a Legend (Saint-14 Quest)
- December 17-January14: The Dawning Seasonal Event
- December 24: Iron Banner/The Sundial: Tazaroc, The Sun Eater
- January 7: Legend Sundial/Devil’s Run Exotic Quest
- January 28: Bastion Exotic Quest
- February 4: Empyrean Foundation/The Sundial: Inotam, Oblivian Triune
- February 11-18: Crimson Days Seasonal Event
Looking through the roadmap, it’s clear that the big events for this season rotate around The Sundial activity. This six-player matchmade mode is set on Mercury and requires players to travel through time, defeating bosses, and completing encounters. Similar to The Menagerie, this will boast more than just waves of enemies and the normal version of The Sundial is impossible to fail.
Additionally, the two big Exotic quests this season revolve around the Bastion fusion rifle and Devil’s Run sidearm. We suspect the Devil’s Run revolves around the hard version of The Sundial since this variation goes live the same day. Additionally, both The Dawning and Crimson Days events are confirmed to return, but there have been no details on what they will include.
Curiously, the Empyrean Foundation does not appear to be tied to a weapon or The Sundial. Judging from the picture, we wager this is another quest tied to the game’s larger story since it arrives near the tail end of Season of Dawn. Personally, we hope it’s a new dungeon or endgame activity for players since there’s no raid this season.
See Also
- Destiny 2 Season of Dawn Live Stream Recap
- How to Unlock the Pit of Heresy in Destiny 2
- How to Get the Undying Title in Destiny 2
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