As you make your way across Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s grand adventure, you’ll come across a variety of secrets and puzzles. One of these revolves around locating a secret companion that will join your crew. Available after you obtain the Force Push power-up, this crew member can easily be missed if you don’t know where to look. Here’s how to unlock the Full House achievement/trophy in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
After you unlock the ability to Force Push, head back to Bogano and don’t leave the landing zone. When you step off the ship, head to your right and go down the spiral ramp that leads under your spaceship. This will lead you to a puzzle where you have to push a large orb into a socket by rolling it across the white rock.
Ignore the puzzle for now and go to the closed door on the left. Use Force Push to pry it open, saving the cute little animal inside. Now just hit R3 to interact with the animal, saving it and causing it to join your crew. The final member of your crew will be unlocked via the story and is impossible to miss. Once this individual – who we won’t spoil – joins you then the Full House achievement will unlock.
Keep in mind, it’s completely possible to not grab the little alien, so make sure to visit Bogano and pick up this creature. After it joins, you’ll occasionally see it roaming the ship or hiding in little compartments throughout.
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