As you progress through Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order you’ll come across a number of upgrades for both Cal and BD-1. One of these upgrades is easily missable as it’s tucked away in a corner you can run right by. Called “Splice Security Droid,” this upgrade allows players to use BD-1 to hack and take control of the KX Security Droids. These are the big, lumbering robots that take quite a few lightsaber hits to kill. Keep in mind, you will need to obtain the force pull ability to reach this location.
During your second time visiting Kashyyyk, make your way through the Imperial Refinery. Progress through this location as you normally would until you reach a walkway before the spinning turbine you can slow. Look at the image of the map below, this is a walkway to the right of where my Player Location marker is currently situated. You will find a door that’s locked on your right and two yellow ropes precariously hanging over the edge.

Force pull the nearest one to you and swing out over the gap. Jump from the first rope to the second. You’ll see a small platform to your right along with a workbench. Hop onto this platform and interact with the workbench to obtain the upgrade. You can now open that previously locked door and cut down a rope, creating a new shortcut through the Imperial Refinery.
To use this ability, you’ll need to whittle the KX droids health down to about 1/3rd before BD-1 can slice into them. You can trigger this ability by pressing down on the D-Pad. Once he takes control, that droid will temporarily join your side, giving you someone to soak up damage from foes. Use this time wisely and prioritize other enemies like Purge Troopers or ranged Stromtrooper Commanders.
See Also
- How to Beat the Albino Wyyyschokk in Jedi Fallen Order
- How to Beat Oggdo Boogdo in Jedi Fallen Order
- How to Get More Lightsaber Colors in Jedi Fallen Order
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