Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the latest game from Respawn Entertainment and it’s giving players the chance to become a Jedi. As you progress through the game you’ll unlock a variety of different cosmetic upgrades for your lightsaber that will alter how it looks. While having a different handle is cool, the upgrades everyone will be chasing are the different Kyber Crystals that alter the color of your lightsaber. Thankfully, unlocking the different colors for your saber is much easier than the other cosmetic parts.
How to Get More Lightsaber Colors
You will unlock every color for your lightsaber by simply progressing through the campaign. To avoid spoilers, we won’t detail any specific moments as this is impossible to miss. Even though Cal will only be able to pick one color in that story moment, all of them will unlock when you return to the workbench. Not including orange – which is a pre-order bonus – there are seven colors you can pick from.
To swap between colors, visit a workbench and interact with it. The first option you will be given in your lightsaber customization screen is color. Now just select whatever color you want and it will be instantly applied to the lightsaber.
Can You Get a Red Lightsaber
Unfortunately, it appears that Cal cannot wield a red lightsaber at this time. While we won’t rule it out as a secret in-game, no one has discovered if this color exists. It’s possible that this color will be used as DLC, as both black and white are also missing. Sorry Sith Lords, it looks like you’re stuck with Jedi colors for now.
See Also
- How to Beat the Albino Wyyyschokk in Jedi Fallen Order
- How to Beat Oggdo Boogdo in Jedi Fallen Order
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