Later this month, players will be able to jump into Diablo 3 Season 19.
As with every Diablo 3 season, Blizzard mixes up the sets and Legendary items so players will have some changes to look forward to as they jump into another lengthy grind.
Leading into the new season, Blizzard released the patch notes for 2.6.7, which will be the patch Season 19 will play on. In these patch notes, they go over a plethora of changes for the season and they will play a big part in what class players choose for the season.
This update comes after weeks of testing on the PTR so it’s not the first time players have been able to get their hands on it. In fact, Blizzard was so kind that they showed what exactly was changed from the PTR to the live game.
Blizzard explains this is a Barbarian centric patch so if that’s your main class, you’ll find a lot to like here. However, the new set hasn’t arrived just yet so stay tuned for more information on that end.

Blizzard Entertainment Inc.New set and Legendary changes are here.
We have to say, it’s nice to see Diablo 3 still getting some form of support this late into its life. It’s hard to believe that we’re already to Season 19, but here we are.
There’s no telling how much support the game will continue to receive in the future as during BlizzCon 2019, we finally got our first look at Diablo 4.
The gameplay and atmosphere of the fourth installment look like it’ll be a departure from how Diablo 3 was and will instead become darker, in a return to the series’ roots. Anyway, enough blabbing on about Diablo 4.
Let’s take a look at all of the new sets and legendary items that will be arriving in Season 19. Diablo 3 is out now on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. You can read the full 2.6.7 patch notes here.
Every Set and Legendary Change in Diablo 3
- New Crusader Set: Aegis of Valor
- 2-Piece Bonus:
The charged bolts from Fist of the Heavens has a chance to cast another Fist of the HeavensAttacking with Fist of the Heavens empowers you, allowing Heaven’s Fury to deal 100% increased damage for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times (multiplicative). - 4-Piece Bonus: Hitting with Fist of the Heavens generates 5 Wrath and reduces damage taken by 1% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 50 times
- 6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven’s Fury by
10,000%20,000% - Developer’s Note: Thank you so much for your thorough feedback and testing on the 2.6.7 PTR! We decided to add Heaven’s Fury to the mix based on popular request as well as because we agree that it matches the theme and adds more gameplay complexity. There is also still room for tweaks and additional iteration in the future, and we’re glad we were able to introduce a set so many of you are excited to use!
- 2-Piece Bonus:
- New Monk Set: Patterns of Justice
- 2-Piece Bonus: Sweeping Wind gains the effect of every rune and movement speed is increased by 5% for each stack of Sweeping Wind.
- 4-Piece Bonus:
Each enemy within Sweeping Wind increases your movement speed by 5%. Stacks up to 10 times.Attacking with Tempest Rush reduces your damage taken by 50% and increases Spirit Regeneration by 50. - 6-Piece Bonus: Hitting with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active will temporarily increase the size of Sweeping Wind after hitting over 30 times within a short period. Sweeping Wind damage is increased by
10,000%15,000% - Developer’s Note: Thank you so much for your thorough feedback and testing on the 2.6.7 PTR! We heard Monk requests for additional damage reduction and to better integrate Tempest Rush as a skill. We hope the result makes for a more survivable and engaging build that still captures that rush of Holy Justice sweeping through crowds of dastardly demons.
- Darklight
- Fist of the Heavens has a
[45-60%]100% chance to be cast twice. - Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Fist of the Heavens by
- Fist of the Heavens has a
Eye of the StormNew Legendary Power: When Sweeping Wind hits exactly 1 enemy, its damage is increased by 100%.- Developer’s Note: With the redesign of Patterns of Justice, there was less need for this item’s introduction. We’ve removed it for now and may consider adding it (or possibly a different Legendary power) at a later date.
- Vengeful Wind
- Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by
[6-7]10 - Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Sweeping Wind by
- Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by
- Won Khim Lau
- New Legendary Power: Hitting with Tempest Rush will activate Cyclone Strike, and both skills deal [500-600%] increased damage.
- Chantodo’s Resolve
- The scaled attack speed damage bonus to Wave of Destruction has been reduced
- Developer Note: This is a reactive adjustment from an earlier change to how Wave of Destruction receives a bonus from Attack Speed. The buff that resulted from that change was more than we expected, so we’re reigning it in.
- Wrath of the Wastes
- 6-Piece Bonus: The damage bonus now also applies to Rend
LamentationAdditional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Rend by [150-200%]- Developer Note: While we were very happy with how much better Barbarians are performing, we are concerned we may have overshot it. By removing just one silo’d addition, we can observe how the class performance goes for Season 19 and consider re-adding this change in the future. Remember we still have a patch coming up where Barb will be one of the focused classes, so there will be plenty of time to revisit if necessary!
- Ambo’s Pride
- New Legendary Power: Attacking with Whirlwind also applies Rend and the total damage of Rend is dealt over 1 second
- Remorseless
Hammer of the Ancients has a [25-30%] chance to summon an Ancient for 20 seconds- New Legendary Power: While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, Hammer of the Ancients deals [200-250%] more damage.
- Fjord Cutter
You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.- New Legendary Power: Seismic Slam attacks 50% faster and also deals 100-150% increased damage against Slowed or Chilled enemies
- Bracers of Destruction
- Seismic Slam deals [400-500%] increased damage to the first
510 enemies it hits.
- Seismic Slam deals [400-500%] increased damage to the first
- Fury of the Ancients
- Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients’ Fury rune and your Ancients attack 100% faster
- Bone Ringer
- Now has a cap of 60 stacks.
- Developer Note: We never intended for this item to be used in a way where you farm stacks for an egregious amount of time (5+ minutes) and then watch all their health disappear in less than a second. It’s not an engaging style of gameplay, and we don’t want that experience to be the best way to play the Necromancer.
- Legacy of Dreams
- This gem is now more likely to drop from a Greater Rift Guardian