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Dragon Ball FighterZ Broly (DBS) Reveal Trailer (Season 2)


As the year winds down, Dragon Ball FighterZ’s second installment of DLC characters is also reaching its epic finale.

As a whole, the popular anime fighter’s Season 2 has been a success. Fans were treated to Jiren, Videl, Goku (GT), Janemba, and Gogeta (SSGSS) during the game’s exciting DLC rollout. And now we can look forward to the next and final character from that second season of awesome combatants. That character happens to be the retooled version of Broly from the Dragon Ball Super universe. Broly (DBS) dons his brand new Saiyan armor getup in this form and dishes out his green-based Ki beam attacks in brutal form. One of Broly’s most painful maneuvers is a grapple-type maneuver that seems him repeatedly slam his opponent into the ground and proceeding to slide them across the ground before violently flinging them into the air.

Dragon Ball FighterZ Broly DBS

Bandai Namco Entertainment, Arc System Works

Broly’s super move allows players to tap into his Super Saiyan form to pull off green shield powered attacks. His most lethal super move sees the super pissed off Saiyan spit out a vicious dose of green ki energy into his opponent. It looks like he’ll permanently lose the top half of his armor and maintain his Super Saiyan form soon after. All in all, Broly’s Dragon Ball Super form looks amazing in action. The release date for Broly (DBS) is still listed as “coming soon,” but we’ll be sure to list his official launch date once it’s finally announced.

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