The new Exotic quest for the Leviathan’s Breath Exotic bow is officially live. Revolving around building a bow with everyone’s favorite gunsmith, Banshee-44, this quest will have you killing enemies all across the solar system. However, to even start this ques you will need to find the Hidden Workshop that Banshee-44 neglected to tell you how to enter. Curiously, getting to this location forces you to complete a mini-game that has been available in Destiny 2 since it launched. Here’s how to get into Banshee-44’s Hidden Workshop:
1. Head to the Hanger and Secret Lounge

When you land, head towards the hanger to your right. From here, go up the scaffolding stairs to the network of catwalks directly on your left when you enter this room. Follow the path all the way around until you are facing the catwalks about the stairs with the Future War Cult banners. Hop onto this, enter the pipe, and follow this route until you reach a lounge with a piece of lore on the table.
2. Climb to Banshee-44’s Hidden Workshop

You’ll find a new door open in this lounge that leads you behind the kiosk. Go to the back left corner and jump onto the shelves so you can access the air vent in the ceiling. Climb inside, drop down, and run to the far end of the vent.
From here, carefully climb up the air vent until you reach another air vent. Remember, you’ll still have the Quickness buff, so your jumps will be much higher. Thankfully, if you die you’ll spawn in the lounge and won’t need the Quickness buff for the rest of the platforming. Now just follow the vent until you reach the Hidden Workshop. You’ll see the bow in a glass case on the far wall, so go interact with it when you arrive. Now teleport out of the room and go speak to Banshee-44 to advance the quest.
See Also
- How to Get the Gilded Shell in Destiny 2
- Where to Find the Captive Cord in Destiny 2
- Where to Find the Necromantic Strand in Destiny 2
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