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How to Upgrade Weapons & Change Weapon Attachments in Ghost Recon Breakpoint


Ghost Recon Breakpoint gives your lone solider access to a vast array of firearms.

As you collect new main, secondary and pistol weapons models, you’ll begin to level up your overall gear level. The “Gunsmith” option within the pause menu helps you upgrade your weapons even further by allowing you to improve numerous stats for a particular weapon model. The weapon model upgrades are universal, which means an entire collection of weapon models will receive the same upgrades even if you change to another weapon type within that model’s lineup. So if you upgrade a particular ASR (Aero Survival Rifle), changing to another ASR will actually retain the upgrades you’ve unlocked for your previously equipped ASR.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gunsmith

Ubisoft, Ubisoft Paris

The weapon model upgrades are as follows – Handling, Reload Speed, Accuracy, and Mobility. Upgrading all certain stats for a particular level (“MK.1,” for example) helps you unlock a passive bonus for that newly improved weapon model. In order to acquire the parts needed to upgrade your preferred firearm, you’ll need to dismantle your unused weapons. The higher the rarity of an unused gun, the better those upgrade parts will be.

Once you’ve fully upgraded a weapon model for a particular upgrade level, you’ll need to unlock the next upgrade rank for every weapon model via the “Skill” menu. Once you’ve unlocked a few skill points, put them towards the “Mark Upgrade” unlock. Doing so helps you reach the weapon model upgrade levels “MK.2” and finally “MK.3.” You’ll need two skill points to reach MK.2 and four skill points in order to attain MK.3.

When it comes to acquiring weapon attachments, they can be found throughout the game’s massive open-world or purchased through the in-game shop. You can chat with certain NPCs with exclamation points over their heads to gather intel or download information from certain computer terminals in order to track down numerous weapon attachments. Pause the game, head to the “Objectives” tab and scroll up to the “Attachments” portion to pin down the area where a weapon attachment is located (the weapon parts marked in blue are the ones you’ll need to head out and obtain).

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gunsmith

Ubisoft, Ubisoft Paris

Changing one of your firearms’ attachments is easily done through the aforementioned Gunsmith menu. Once you enter that sub-menu, the weapons attachment switching option can be done via the options presented to you on the right side of your screen. Changing your weapon’s Magazine, Muzzle, Rail, or Scope unlocks bonus weapon stat increases/decreases you can tinker around with. Besides upgrading your weapon models and equipping them with new attachments within the Gunsmith menu, you can press the right shoulder trigger to go to the “Paint” option and apply your own color scheme to your weapon of choice.

All in all, Ghost Recon Breakpoint gives you three main ways to modify your acquired firearms – weapon upgrading, equipping attachments and painting them to freshen up their color scheme.

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