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How to Unlock the Lumina Exotic in Destiny 2


The latest Exotic quest for Destiny 2 revolves around obtaining the Lumina hand cannon. Unlike other weapons, this weapon can actually heal and buff ally Guardians who are shot with it. This makes it one of the few support weapons like the Tractor Cannon. To unlock this gun you’ll need to complete a multi-step quest that is fairly long, but simple. There is no special dungeon-esc mission tied to this hand cannon, so it shouldn’t be that difficult for a solo player to obtain the Lumina.

(Author’s Note: Keep in mind, this information was leaked so it’s possible some parts have changed. We will update our guide if any step of the Lumina quest is different.)

1. Locate the Rose on the EDZ and Use the System Position Device

Destiny 2 Lumina Quest Start

To start this quest, head to the EDZ and land in the Trostlands. Pass by the church and enter the large salt mines filled with Fallen. Fight your way to the broken elevator and then step on the Fallen teleporter next to it. This will warp you to the top of the mine, so head up the road towards the shielded barrier.

When you’re facing the barrier, turn around and hop on the guardrail. Turn to the left and you should see a cliffside opening to a small camp. Hop up here and investigate the chest in the back left corner to discover the System Positioning Device and begin the quest for the Lumina.

After you open the chest you’ll earn a System Positioning Device. This can be viewed in your Pursuits tab and will show a Lost Sector you need to go to. The Lost Sector rotates every hour so you’ll have to be quick. Mine was Shaft 13 which is located in The Sludge on Earth. Mine was not in the Lost Sector, but in a small room to your right. This is before you load up the Shaft 13 Lost Sector.

2. Generate 250 Orbs of Light

Destiny 2 Black Armory Release Date

The first major step for the Lumina is to generate 250 Orbs of Light. This can be done either with your Supers or Masterwork weapons. We strongly recommend going to either the Blind Well or Escalation Protocol to farm enemies. You will want to also use Supers that can roam and take out a large number of foes. Alternatively, you can simply keep running through a Lost Sector until you’ve generated all 250 Orbs of Light.

3. Beat a Nightfall / Complete Black Armory, Blind Well, or Escalation Protocol Waves / Kill 100 Enemies

Destiny 2 Fallen Transponder Nodes

The next part is broken up into three separate quests. The first requires you to finish any Nightfall with a score of 50,000 points or more. This is extremely easy to do, especially if you use the handicap modifiers. While you can complete this by yourself, we encourage using a fireteam. Since three Guardians can just breeze through any Nightfall, you shouldn’t have any trouble finishing up this section.

Another quest tasks you will killing multiple combatants in a row without dying. It doesn’t appear that you need to use the Rose for this step, but we did just to be safe. If you’re careful you should have most of this done in your first Nightfall run.

Finally, you’ll need to complete 35 waves of Blind Well, Escalation Protocol, of Black Armoy Forge waves. We suggest the former since the Blind Well is easily the fastest activity to finish in Destiny 2, especially if you are fighting alongside others.

4. Complete Activities With the Rose Equipped

Destiny 2 Beloved Menagerie

The next step requires you to complete activities while using the Rose. This is the legendary hand cannon you earn for finding the Lost Sector chest.  As you complete activities with the Rose equipped you will fill up a progress bar. The more people in a Fireteam with the Lumina equipped the better progress you’ll make.

Because of this, we suggest hopping into the Crucible or Menagerie since these are 6-player activities. You must be in a fireteam with the other people otherwise it won’t count towards your progress. Just consider avoiding Gambit for now since those matches can take a very long time. Aim for shorter, easier to complete activities such as Strikes or PvP matches.

5. Kill Guardians, Gambit Invaders, and Generate Orbs of Light

Destiny 2 Spare Rations

Did you think there wouldn’t be a grind in this quest? Your next task requires you to kill Guardians in the crucible with a hand cannon, generate Orbs of Light, and kill Invaders in gambit before they slay your teammates. The first two parts of this quest are fairly easy, especially given the popularity of weapons like the Service Revolver, Austringer, and Luna’s Howl. It may take a bit of time, but if you’re diligent about only using your hand cannon than this step should fly by.

Generating Orbs of Light should also be pretty simple as long as you’re using Masterwork weapons. We strongly recommend just going to ther Blind Well for this step since it’s comically easy to generate a ton of orbs in a single completion. Make sure to pick roaming Supers that have a lot of kill potential!

Here’s where things get difficult, as you’ll need to defeat an Invader in Gambit before they kill anyone. This can be especially tricky if they’re using weapons such as the Queenbreaker’s Bow. When someone invades, your entire team should drop what they are doing and focus on defeating the invader. Remember, this also counts when you’re damaging the Primeval so make sure to not ignore the warning when they invade.

We suggest saving your heavy weapon for the Invader so you can clean them up quickly before they managed to kill anyone. The Golden Gun and Chaos Reach are especially great for picking off would be attackers.

The lore quote for this step reads as followed:

Your philosophy about this gun has crystallized. If Thorn was a weapon of selfishness, then the gun you make will be one of selflessness. If it’s a coordinated fireteam that saved the City from Ghaul, then the gun you make will support fireteams. The Light is about standing united in service of a hopeful future.

Defeat Guardians with Hand Cannons as a team, generate Orbs of Light for fellow Guardians, and defeat Invaders in Gambit before they have killed any of your teammates.

6. Finish Will of the Thousands Strike and Destroy the Crystals

If you’ve been paying attention at all you’ll know that odd purple crystals have appeared all throughout the Will of the Thousands strike. For this step, you’ll need to finish the strike, kill Xol, and blow up every crystal. You cannot miss a single one and there are quite a few so it’s important to shoot every single one.

Since there’s no timer, we recommend clearing out every room with crystals in it and then blowing them up. For the boss room, ignore Xol and focus on decimating every floating crystal before you even attack him. If you miss a crystal then you’ll need to start all over again and go through the Strike.

Above is an excellent video from Youtuber Houndish that shows every crystal location for the Lumina quest.

The lore quote for this step reads as followed:

You feel ready to complete your project, and you have a suitably poetic scheme to do it: You plan to reclaim lost Light from the Hive. Using the strength of your own abilities, you’ll redirect it into the gun and, with any luck, it will bloom into something greater.

Enter strike ‘Will of the Thousands’ with Rose equipped to reclaim lost Light from Hive crystals and defeat Xol. Objectives must be completed in a single run through the activity; progress is not saved across multiple attempts.

See Also

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