The next boss for Destiny 2’s latest activity – the Menagerie – has arrived. Named Pagouri, this massive Vex Hydra may look familiar to those who’ve completed the Eater of Worlds raid lair. While you won’t need to use crystals against him, Pagouri is still a formidable foe that can deal a ton of damage out of nowhere. Thankfully, taking this enemy down is fairly simple once you know what to do
When the fight starts you’ll need to activate three Vex plates at the left, right, and back of the room. The left and right plates spawn under the large pavilion and the middle is right in front of the raised area where Calus’ projection sits.
Standing on them will turn the energy white, causing it to slowly rise. If anyone steps off the plate or if a Vex enemy steps onto the plate your progress will be halted. As you unlock these plates, yellow-bar Minotaurs will spawn and begin to roam around the area. We strongly suggest taking these out since they can kill you quickly.
We recommend moving as a group of six because Pagouri will teleport to the last plate that’s activated. This makes it way easier to damage and will give you a lot of time to shoot this monstrous machine. During the damage phase, Pagouri will spawn kamikaze Vex that deal an insane amount of damage. The Well of Radiance is an all-star in this encounter, as it negates a lot of the damage done by the boss and his companions. If you lack of a Well of Radiance, designate one person with killing these robots when they spawn.
Continue this cycle of activating plates, killing Vex, and damaging Pagouri until he is reduced to scrap. Keep in mind, after the first damage phase, two Vex Cyclopses will spawn. Prioritize these and make sure they are dead before Pagouri warps out from behind his shield. You shouldn’t have too much trouble with Pagouri, just make sure to clear out as many Vex as possible before the damage phase.
After he perishes, you can find the chest where the raid banner spawns and collect your loot.