Destiny 2’s third season is about to begin and developer Bungie has unveiled three new Pinnacle Weapons. Designed to be some of the best Legendary-tier weapons in the game, each of Destiny 2’s core activities has one of these guns. The Crucible’s is a sniper rifle called the Revoker, which encourages players to take risky shots at Guardians. However, unlike previous Crucible Pinnacle Weapons such as Luna’s Howl or The Recluse, the requirements for getting this rifle are far laxer.
In order to unlock the Revoker you will need to complete a special Triumph and bounty tied to Season of Opulence. The difference this time is you will not have to reach Fabled rank in the Competitive playlist. Instead, you’ll simply need to earn 3,500 Glory Points over the course of the season. Any progress you make towards the Triumph will not be subtracted if you lose matches in Competitive. This should make the Revoker far more accessible for the Destiny 2 community, especially those who don’t partake in the game’s PvP side.
The Revoker’s unique perk is called “Reversal of Fortune,” which returns a round to the magazine after a missed shot. This weapon also possesses a special Ambush SLH25 scope and the Snapshot perk, allowing you to easily take on foes at close range. Depending on how hard this sniper rifle hits, the Revoker could easily become a top tier secondary weapon. A gun that actively doesn’t punish the user for making missed shots will be quite potent.