The next installment of the Ghost Recon franchise has finally been revealed. Titled “Ghost Recon: Breakout,” this game revolves around another squad of elite soldiers tasked with taking down a fearsome foe and his army. This time around the villain is actor Jon Bernthal’s Cole D. Walker who leads a massive force of weaponized drones. Set to release later this year, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is shaping up to be one of the biggest games of the year.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Release Date
Surprisingly, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will actually be releasing this year on October 4. Coming to PC, Xbox One, and PS4, Breakpoint will be playable both offline and online. Ubisoft has confirmed that Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will be an Epic Store Exclusive and not on Steam.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Announce Trailer
The first trailer for Ghost Recon Breakpoint focuses on setting the stage and tone for the game. In the video, it showcases your soldier being hunted down by the elite operatives known as The Wolves. We also get a glimpse at some of the new vehicles, weapons, and enemies that users will be up against.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gameplay
Like the last Ghost Recon game, Breakpoint is a co-op, third-person action game. Set on the island of Aurora, users can play with up to three other people. if they prefer to go it alone. Combat consists of the same cover-based shooting and users can command a variety of different gadgets. Additionally, missions can be approached via stealth or going in guns blazing.
A new feature this time around is the ability to set up camp, treat injuries, and manage various survival meters such as thirst or hunger. While you can treat wounds in the field, you will need to eventually go back to camp to truly recover. Users will also have to keep track of their stamina to ensure they aren’t fatigued during a firefight. Wounds can cause significant damage such as deny you the ability to aim your rifle.
Another new mechanic is the ability to cut through fences, which should open up some intriguing infiltration options for players. For those who want to be stealthy, you can actually cover your Ghost in mud if you’re prone. This appears to make you harder to spot, but it’s unclear if you can do this everywhere or just in certain areas.
Players will be fighting on the island of Aurora, which is a diverse location filled with different regions and biomes. Unlike Wildlands, players will be the ones hunted by a group of elite soldiers known as The Wolves. Backing these foes up is a legion of reprogrammed drones that appear to serve a variety of features. Thankfully, you have your own drones that can be used for a plethora of different scenarios such as scouting locations or taking out foes.
If an ally is downed you can actually pick them up and carry that person to cover. This allows you to heal them without taking a lot of fire from enemies. Players can also pick up and hide bodies, which will make stealth much easier. There are also a variety of different player and enemy classes, along with patrolling the world at all times.
PvP will be available at launch and you will use the same character created in single and multiplayer. Ubisoft also unveiled that they will be releasing a raid after the game launches which is a series first.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Collector’s Edition
Prior to the announcement of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, the Wolves Collector’s Edition for the game was leaked online. A Ubisoft Store exclusive, this collector’s edition comes with the game and a statue showcasing one of the game’s enemies holding a revolver and rifle.