As you travel throughout Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice you’ll come across a number of different enemy types. This makes it vital to perfect the different methods for countering various attack styles. One move you’ll want to master is the Mikiri Counter, which is used to stop thrusting attacks and open that foe up to some easy damage. Unlike deflecting, the Mikiri Counter is a high risk, high reward maneuver.
To perform a Mikiri Counter you need to press B (Xbox One) Circle (PS4) right as a foe is about to thurst. Doing so will cause your shinobi to place his foot down on the enemy’s weapon, causing posture damage and leaving them open for a brief counterattack. You can perform a Mikiri Counter against Perilous thrusting attacks, so don’t be afraid to dash in right as they thrust.
Getting the timing down will take some time, so we recommend practicing against the Undying One back at the Dilapidated Temple. You’ll need to train yourself not to always dash away when an enemy thrusts, but towards them. Keep in mind, this method does not work for slashes or other moves, as the Mikiri Counter is solely for thrusting attacks.
This is fantastic against certain early bosses such as the Shinobi Hunter who relies on a spear to strike foes. Remember, you have to purchase the Mirkiri Counter from the skills menu, it will not be unlocked right away. Thankfully, it’s very cheap and it should be one of the first things you pick up in Sekiro.