The newest hero for Apex Legends has officially released and it turns out the leaks were correct. Dubbed Octane, this legend is capable of healing himself and deploying a bounce pad to launch himself into the air. Spoiled sometime ago via dataminers who discovered various character names, rumors around Octane began to take social media by storm. Surprisingly, it appears that the leaks were true and you can unlock Octane right now.
Like other legends, Octane can be purchased with either Apex Coins or Legend Tokens. Like other heroes, if you will need 750 Apex Coins or 12,000 Legend Tokens if you’re looking to add him to your collection. The former is the premium, real money currency that you have to actually pay for. Even though Octane is priced at 750, the smallest bundle you can buy contains 1,000 Apex Coins. This will cost $10 to purchase and leave you with a few coins left over.
If you want to unlock Octane for free then you’ll need to use 12,000 Legend Tokens. These are given out as you level up your account. This will take some time, but it won’t cost you a dime if you want to obtain Octane this way. To actually obtain him, just open up the Legends sub-menu and select this character. You will then be given the option to spend either the tokens or coins.
After you select your currency of choice, Octane will be instantly unlocked and playable! Remember, you don’t need to own the battle pass to obtain this hero. You can pay for him separately and he is not included in the pass outside of a few cosmetic options.